jquery - Append HTML with Anchor Tags instead of Checkbox or Checkboxes Javascript -

i trying functional example of append html checkbox snippet work anchor tags well. thanks!

i have been working on months...

thanks can offer solution. i've been searching time.

sincerely, sean wichert, sr. :) 512-730-1069 (call me if solution well, & please leave voicemail it's google voice number use through gmail headset & don't typically have open unless need make call.

<!-- head starts here -->      <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>              <!-- working javascript checkbox html output below -->     <!-- need make work anchor tags question. -->      <script type='text/javascript'>//<![cdata[       $(window).load(function(){     $('input[type="checkbox"]').click(function () {         var title = $(this).closest('.pdt-checkbox').find('.html-code-insert').html();         var tempid = $(this).attr('id');          // if checkbox checked, add item ul.         if($(this).prop('checked')){             var html = $("<li/>", {                 title: title,                 idholder: tempid,                 text: title             });             $('ul.result').append(html);          } else {              // if checkbox unchecked, remove item ul.             $('[idholder="' + tempid + '"]', 'ul').remove();                 }     });     });//]]>        $.fn.selecttext = function () {         return $(this).each(function (index, el) {             if (document.selection) {                 var range = document.body.createtextrange();                 range.movetoelementtext(el);                 range.select();             } else if (window.getselection) {                 var range = document.createrange();                 range.selectnode(el);                 window.getselection().addrange(range);             }         });     }      </script>         <!-- body starts here -->  <!-- working checkbox sample below -->  <div class="pdt-checkbox"><input type="checkbox" id="pc-repair-step-one" value="yes" /><label for="pc-repair-step-one"> 1. smwn</label><div style="display:none;" title="#" class="html-code-insert">smwn</div></div>  <!-- not working anchor attempt below -->  <li class="addmenui"><a class="anchor" onclick="javascript:pcsecurityrepair();" href="#" id="pcsecrepair" value="yes">pc security repair</a><label for="pcsecrepair"></label><div title="#" style="display:none;" class="html-code-insert">smwn</div></li>  <div onclick="$(this).selecttext()" style="background:url(button.jpg) 0 0 no repeat"; class="ctrl-a" alt="click me select notes.">             <ul style=" font-size: 0px; margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 0px; padding: 20px; font-family: calibri, arial, sans-serif;                                    font-weight: 700;                                           line-height: 24px; text-shadow: 0px 1px 3px #999959; " class="result"> </ul>        </div>   


you should use class toggle instead of value attribute

$('a.anchor').click(function () {         $(this).toggleclass('clicked');          var title = $(this).parent().find('.html-code-insert').html();         var tempid = $(this).attr('id');          // if anchor clicked, add item ul.         if ($(this).hasclass('clicked')){             var html = $("<li/>", {                 title: title,                 idholder: tempid,                 text: title             });             $('ul.result').append(html);          } else {              // if anchor not clicked, remove item ul.             $('[idholder="' + tempid + '"]', 'ul').remove();                 } 
