java - What is wrong with my Game Thread? -

i have been trying while implement game thread utilise loop implement logic. posted question here not long ago, hope no 1 minds follow up.

i have managed scrape code research:

public class gameview extends surfaceview implements surfaceholder.callback  {     class gamethread extends thread      {         //states         public static final int state_lose = 1;          public static final int state_pause = 2;          public static final int state_ready = 3;          public static final int state_running = 4;          private paint m_paint;          //canvas dimensions         private int m_canvaswidth;          private int m_canvasheight;          private long m_lasttime;          private boolean m_run = false;          private int m_mode;          public imageview ship;         relativelayout.layoutparams shipparams;          // handle surface manager         private surfaceholder m_surfaceholder;          public gamethread(surfaceholder surfaceholder, context context, handler handler)         {             m_surfaceholder = surfaceholder;         }          //initialise game         public void dostart()          {              synchronized (m_surfaceholder)             {                 resetgame();                 m_lasttime = system.currenttimemillis() + 100;                 setstate(state_running);                 ship = (imageview) findviewbyid(;                 shipparams = (relativelayout.layoutparams)ship.getlayoutparams();             }         }          public void pause()          {             synchronized (m_surfaceholder)              {                 if (m_mode == state_running)                 setstate(state_pause);             }         }          @override         public void run()          {             while (m_run)              {                 canvas c = null;                 try                  {                 c = m_surfaceholder.lockcanvas(null);                 synchronized (m_surfaceholder)                      {                         if (m_mode == state_running)                         {                             updategame();                         }                         dodraw(c);                     }                 }                 catch(exception e){}                                  {                      if (c != null)                      {                         m_surfaceholder.unlockcanvasandpost(c);                     }                 }             }         }          public void setrunning(boolean b)          {             m_run = b;         }           public void setstate(int mode)          {             synchronized (m_surfaceholder)              {                 setstate(mode, null);             }         }           public void setstate(int mode, charsequence message)          {             synchronized (m_surfaceholder)              {                 m_mode = mode;             }         }          public void setplayers(boolean oneplayer)         {          }           public void setsurfacesize(int width, int height)          {             synchronized (m_surfaceholder)              {                 m_canvaswidth = width;                 m_canvasheight = height;             }         }           public void unpause()          {             synchronized (m_surfaceholder)              {                 m_lasttime = system.currenttimemillis() + 100;             }             setstate(state_running);         }           private void dodraw(canvas canvas)         {             canvas.drawargb(255, 0, 0, 0);         }          private void updategame()          {             long = system.currenttimemillis();             if (m_lasttime > now)                 return;                 double elapsed = (now - m_lasttime) / 1000.0;                 m_lasttime = now;             system.out.print("hello world");             shipparams.topmargin++;             ship.setlayoutparams(shipparams);         }          private boolean collided(rect rectangle)         {             return false;         }          public boolean foundwinner()         {             return false;         }          public void resetgame()         {          }          public void handleinput(motionevent event)         {          }     }      private context m_context;      private gamethread m_thread;      private handler m_handler;      public gameview(context context, attributeset attrs)      {         super(context, attrs);           surfaceholder holder = getholder();         holder.addcallback(this);          m_handler = new handler() {         @override         public void handlemessage(message m) {          bundle b = m.getdata();         motionevent e = b.getparcelable("event");         m_thread.handleinput(e);         }         };          m_thread = new gamethread(holder, context, m_handler);         setfocusable(true);      };       public gamethread getthread()      {         return m_thread;     }      @override     public void onwindowfocuschanged(boolean haswindowfocus)     {         if (!haswindowfocus)         m_thread.pause();     }      public void surfacechanged(surfaceholder holder, int format, int width, int height)      {         m_thread.setsurfacesize(width, height);     }       public void surfacecreated(surfaceholder holder)     {         if(m_thread.getstate() == state.terminated)         {             m_thread = new gamethread(getholder(), m_context, m_handler);             m_thread.setrunning(true);             m_thread.start();             m_thread.dostart();         }         else         {             m_thread.setrunning(true);             m_thread.start();         }     }      public void surfacedestroyed(surfaceholder holder)     {         boolean retry = true;         m_thread.setrunning(false);         while (retry)          {             try              {                 m_thread.join();                 retry = false;             }              catch (interruptedexception e)              {             }         }      }      @override     public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent event)      {         return true;     } } 

i issue lies here , merely logical one. seem fine me, , in need of assistance.

i have attempted draw image @ line 47 , defined movement take place in update method @ line 153. have placed print line debug, line doesn't show.

i stumped.

any great, thanks.

here other codes, if neccessary:

edit: should note i'm not getting kind of errors within code, merely doesn't respond

you initializing m_run false,then in while cycle in run() method must have set true. change true , thread work normally.


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