javascript - d3 - when setAttribute() works but .attr doesn't? -

i'm puzzled why d3 method setting element attribute fails (in piece of code) while traditional js method works. (i'm trying update chloropleth colours user clicks html button change data being plotted, same json.)

the html simple:

<div id="buttons">     <button id="party">parties</button>     <button id="tenure">tenure</button> </div> 

here's relevant js 2 lines side-by-side. when run in chrome, "object # has no method 'attr'":

var paths = svg.selectall("path");  var plot = {     "mode": "party",     "redraw": function()    {         var e = e || window.event;         var targ = || e.srcelement;         if (targ.nodetype == 3) targ = targ.parentnode;          switch (    {         case "party":             // code in here             break;         case "tenure":             paths.each(function(d,i) {                 this.setattribute("class","");  // same question here             if (d.in_office_full_date) { 

// line errors:

this.attr("style", "fill: " + t_scale(getjsdatefromexcel(d.in_office_full_date).getfullyear())); 

// ... line works:

this.setattribute("style", "fill: " + t_scale(getjsdatefromexcel(d.in_office_full_date).getfullyear()));              }             else                 this.setattribute("style", "fill: #111");   // neutral colour             });             break;         default:             console.log("unknown event trigger in redraw()");         }     } }  var t_scale = d3.scale.linear()   .domain([1973,2013])   .range(['red','white']);"body").selectall("#buttons button")         .on("click",plot.redraw); 

i hope can help!

the issue way you're calling methods of this within each(function(d, i) { ... }).

you're in right direction: this refers plain html element you're modifying. attr function expect call method of d3 selection –– not of html element. hence, need wrap this in d3 selection:

paths.each(function(d,i) {     .attr("class",""); }); 

calling setattribute worked because it's method of plain html element, d3's attr more robust.

but having said that, more idiomatic way achieve you're doing this:

paths   .attr("class", "")   .style("fill", function(d, i) {     if (d.in_office_full_date) {       return t_scale(getjsdatefromexcel(d.in_office_full_date).getfullyear());     }     return "#111";   }); 


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