c# - Why does my Outlook becomes slow and sometimes unresponsive after starting an app to clear the clipboard? -

i had requirement disable copy paste , print screen key while website running. wrote wpf application keep clearing clipboard when open website link clicked , stop clearing close website button. problem when press open website button outlook client becomes slow , unresponsive. know has clipboard only. there way disable outlooks clipboard until button pressed.

however code not required included bleow, or can downloaded dropbox:

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.windows; using system.windows.controls; using system.windows.data; using system.windows.documents; using system.windows.input; using system.windows.media; using system.windows.media.imaging; using system.windows.navigation; using system.windows.shapes; using system.security.cryptography; using mysql.data.mysqlclient; using system.threading; using system.net.networkinformation; namespace ccb {     /// <summary>     /// interaction logic mainwindow.xaml     /// </summary>     public partial class mainwindow : window     {         string docnum,qs;         int status = 0;         static string connectionstring = "server=abcd.com;port=3306;database=abcd_secure;uid=abcd_sec;password=abcd_sec";         mysqlconnection conn = new mysqlconnection(connectionstring);         private static random random = new random((int)datetime.now.ticks);         public mainwindow()         {             initializecomponent();         }         private string randomstring(int size)         {             stringbuilder builder = new stringbuilder();             char ch;             (int = 0; < size; i++)             {                 ch = convert.tochar(convert.toint32(math.floor(26 * random.nextdouble() + 65)));                 builder.append(ch);             }             return builder.tostring();         }         private void button1_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)         {             status = 1;             thread backgroundthread = new thread(clear);             backgroundthread.isbackground = true;             backgroundthread.setapartmentstate(apartmentstate.sta);             backgroundthread.start();             qs=generaterandomnumber();             insert(qs);             system.diagnostics.process.start("http://abcd/login.php?osid=win&id="+qs);          }         private void clear()         {             while (status == 1)                 system.windows.clipboard.clear();         }         //genrate random number , encrypt md5         private string generaterandomnumber()         {             string rand1 = randomstring(8);             string rand2 = randomstring(8);             docnum = rand1 + "-" + rand2;             md5 md5 = new md5cryptoserviceprovider();             md5.computehash(asciiencoding.ascii.getbytes(docnum));             //get hash result after compute             byte[] result = md5.hash;             stringbuilder strbuilder = new stringbuilder();             (int = 0; < result.length; i++)             {                 //change 2 hexadecimal digits                 //for each byte                 strbuilder.append(result[i].tostring("x2"));             }             return strbuilder.tostring();         }         //insert generated value database         protected void insert(string q)         {             try             {                 conn.open();                 string ins = "insert mgen_validation_check(md5values) values(@m)";                 mysqlcommand cmd = new mysqlcommand(ins, conn);                 cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@m", q);                 cmd.executenonquery();             }             catch (exception ex)             {             }                         {                 conn.close();             }         }         private void button2_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)         {             system.diagnostics.process.start("http://abcd/include/logoutpage.php");             this.close();             status = 0;             try             {                 conn.open();                 string del = "delete mgen_validation_check md5values=@m";                 mysqlcommand cmd2 = new mysqlcommand(del, conn);                 cmd2.parameters.addwithvalue("@m", qs);                 cmd2.executenonquery();             }             catch (exception ex)             {              }                         {                 conn.close();             }         }         private void window_closed(object sender, eventargs e)         {             system.diagnostics.process.start("http://abcd/include/logoutpage.php");             try             {                 conn.open();                 string delconf = "delete mgen_validation_check md5values=@m";                 mysqlcommand cmd3 = new mysqlcommand(delconf, conn);                 cmd3.parameters.addwithvalue("@m", docnum);                 cmd3.executenonquery();             }             catch (exception ex)             {              }                         {                 conn.close();             }         }     } } 

the app working except when running outlook becomes slow. other ms office apps working properly.

any helpful. in advance


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