javascript - V8: console.log implementation -

i'm using v8 in c++ app , add console.log(). there standard implementation can use?

currently, have own dummy implementation it's quite incomplete.

i found implementation node.js:

of course need adopt code. uses nodejs global object process , stdout , stderr objects. here sample c++ code create such file objects:

static void js_file_write(const v8::functioncallbackinfo<v8::value>& info) {     int fd = (int)<external>()->value();     auto isolate = isolate::getcurrent();     if( info.length() != 1) {         isolate->throwexception(             v8::exception::typeerror(jsstr("js_file_write: expects 1 arg")));         return;     }     if( !info[0]->isstring() ) {         isolate->throwexception(             v8::exception::typeerror(jsstr("js_file_write: expects string")));         return;     }     std::string s = jsobjtostring(info[0], false, "");     size_t c = 0;     while(c < s.size()) {         int ret = write(fd, &s[c], (unsigned int) (s.size() - c));         if(ret < 0) {             isolate->throwexception(                 v8::exception::error(jsstr("js_file_write: write(" + to_string(fd) + ") error " + to_string(errno) + ": " + strerror(errno))));             errno = 0;             return;         }         c += ret;     } }   static local<object> makefileobj(int fd) {     auto isolate = isolate::getcurrent();     handle<external> selfref = external::new(isolate, (void*) fd);     auto obj = object::new(isolate);     obj->set(jsstr("write"),         functiontemplate::new(isolate, js_file_write, selfref)->getfunction());     return obj; }  static local<object> makeprocessobj() {     auto obj = object::new(isolate::getcurrent());     obj->set(jsstr("stdout"), makefileobj(stdout_fileno));     obj->set(jsstr("stderr"), makefileobj(stderr_fileno));     return obj; } 

jsstr , jsobjtostring quite canonical.
