Python- Convert dictionary to dictionary with list value -

i wanna convert dictionary dictionary list value

i wanna convert :

 f= {24149423: 59, 22621293.0: 367562.0, 24144369.0: 405017.0, 22662739.0: 276484.0, 22470388.0: 410315.0, 22624054.0: 398444.0, 22614201.0: 380106.0, 22564857.0: 90756.0, 22619259.0: 382386.0, 22692381.0: 388392.0} 

to dictionary list value

b =  {90756.0: [22564857.0], 388392.0: [22692381.0], 367562.0: [22621293.0], 410315.0: [22470388.0], 398444.0: [22624054.0], 382386.0: [22619259.0], 405017.0: [24144369.0], 276484.0: [22662739.0], 59: [24149423], 380106.0: [22614201.0]} 

i try write way:

from collections import defaultdict   b = defaultdict(list)  key, value in sorted(f.iteritems()):     b[value].append(key) 

i used map well.

b = map(lambda k, v: f.update({k: v}), keys, values) 

but none of these work.

use dict comprehension, this:

b = { v: [k] k,v in f.items() } 

[k] one-element list containing key, v value, plays rold of key in resulting dictionary.
