OpenERP 7 : group by not working with a one2many field -

i have class ordres_fabrication contains one2many field production show in form view

enter image description here

i want operation's name displayed once ,but shown in picture operation_name isn't grouped name.

here's equivalent productions selected production order ('ordres_fabrication') (of1) enter image description here

here's code i've wrote:

<record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_ordres_fabrication_form">     <field name="name">ordres_fabrication.form</field>     <field name="model">ordres_fabrication</field>     <field name="type">form</field>     <field name="arch" type="xml">         <form string="ordres de fabrication">             <field name="numero"/>             <field name="commande_id" on_change="onchange_numero_bc(commande_id)" domain="[('etat','!=','terminé')]"/>              <field name="quantite"/>              <field name="piece_id"/>              <field name="numero_lot"/>              <field name="delai"/>              <field name="etat"/>             <separator string="quantités produites par opération" colspan="4"/>             <field name="production" colspan="4" nolabel="1" context="{'group_by': 'productions.operation_nom'}">                 <tree>                     <field name="operation_nom"/>                     <field name="quantite_op"/>                 </tree>             </field>         </form>     </field> </record> 

please,could me fix it.thank you

if interested on how solved problem. instead of using group by, added boolean field,then in one2many field "productions" added domain take records boolean value equal true

'production': fields.one2many('productions','of_num','productions',readonly=true,domain=[('repeat','=',true)]), 


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