c# - How to transliterate english text(input in textbox1) into hindi text(output in textBox2) using google transliterate API -

my question can type in english textbox , on pressing space or enter key can transliterate hindi(other language). requirement output should in textbox.

how possible?

here code transliterates same textbox

<div>  <asp:textbox runat="server" height="30px" id="textbox1" width="200px" /> </div>  <script>    attachcontrolggltransliterate("textbox1");  </script> 

this js(translt.js file) code provided google.

function loadgoogle() {     try {         if (google) {             // load google transliterate api             google.load("elements", "1", {                 packages: "transliteration"             });         }         else settimeout(function () { loadgoogle() }, 100);     } catch (e) {         settimeout(function () { loadgoogle() }, 100);     } } loadgoogle();  var ggltrnslitrt = null; // create instance on transliterationcontrol required // options. var control = null;    function attachcontrolggltransliterate(ctrl,language) {   //  alert(1);    // alert(ctrl.id);  //   alert(language);     try {         if (control == null) {             if (google.elements.transliteration != null) {                  if (language == "0") {                     ggltrnslitrt = {                         sourcelanguage:                         google.elements.transliteration.languagecode.english,                          destinationlanguage:                         [google.elements.transliteration.languagecode.hindi],                           shortcutkey: 'ctrl+g',                         transliterationenabled: true                      };                       control = new google.elements.transliteration.transliterationcontrol(ggltrnslitrt);                  }   }             else { settimeout(function () { attachcontrolggltransliterate(ctrl,language) }, 1000); }         }     } catch (e) {         settimeout(function () { attachcontrolggltransliterate(ctrl,language) }, 1000);     }      var listcontrols = ctrl.split("~");     (i = 0; < listcontrols.length; i++) {         control.maketransliteratable([listcontrols[i]]);       } 

https://developers.google.com/translate/v2/getting_started#workingwithdata need have license bought google use google translation api.

'https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=your-api-key&source=en&target=de&callback=translatetext&q=' + sourcetext;
