ios - TableView reload data troubles -

i have function creates few arrays , fills them data. execute function viewdidload.

in function add [self.tableview reloaddata];

i set breakpoints etc , doesn't go numberofrowsintableview etc. should [self.tableview reloaddata] execute table view functions appears on iphone screen?

** update **

firstly function called :

- (void)viewdidload {      [super viewdidload];      viewcontroller *getdeals = [[viewcontroller alloc] init];     [getdeals topdealsrecieve:[[nsuserdefaults standarduserdefaults] objectforkey:@"devicetoken"]];      [self.tableview setdelegate:self];     [self.tableview setdatasource:self];      [self.tableview reloaddata]; 

the function topdealsrecieve gets arrays :

 nslog(@"%@", responseobject);         alllogos = [[responseobject valueforkey:@"data"] valueforkey:@"logo"];         allcontent = [[responseobject valueforkey:@"data"] valueforkey:@"content"];         allpostode = [[responseobject valueforkey:@"data"] valueforkey:@"postcode"];         nslog(@"%lu", (unsigned long)allcontent.count);         allname = [[responseobject valueforkey:@"data"] valueforkey:@"name"];         alladdress = [[responseobject valueforkey:@"data"] valueforkey:@"address"];         alladdress2 = [[responseobject valueforkey:@"data"] valueforkey:@"address2"];         alllat = [[responseobject valueforkey:@"data"] valueforkey:@"lat"];         alllong = [[responseobject valueforkey:@"data"] valueforkey:@"lng"];         // refresh table view         [self.tableview setdelegate:self];         [self.tableview setdatasource:self];         [self.tableview reloaddata]; 

and in :

-(nsinteger)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview numberofrowsinsection:(nsinteger)section {    nslog(@"wnks %lu",(unsigned long)allcontent.count);    return allcontent.count;  } 

all variables available throughout code , assigned :

// global var  nsarray *alllocationsid; nsarray *alllocationscity; nsarray *alllogos; nsarray *allcontent; nsarray *allpostode; nsarray *allname; nsarray *alladdress; nsarray *alladdress2; nsarray *alllat; nsarray *alllong; 

at top of viewcontroller. did work when getarray function wasn't function , placed in viewdidload.

you should add these 2 lines method viewdidload before execute [self.tableview reloaddata]; this

[self.tableview setdelegate:self]; [self.tableview setdatasource:self];  [self.tableview reloaddata]; 


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