ios - SpriteKit - how to correctly pause and resume app -
i have huge issue newest game iphone made games tutorials book's help.
note : method spritekit- right way multitask doesn't work.
so, in viewcontroller.m file, i'm defining private variable skview *_skview.
then, :
- (void)viewdidlayoutsubviews { [super viewdidlayoutsubviews]; if(!_skview) { _skview = [[skview alloc] initwithframe:self.view.bounds]; _skview.showsfps = no; _skview.showsnodecount = no; // create , configure scene. skscene * scene = [mainmenuscene scenewithsize:_skview.bounds.size]; scene.scalemode = skscenescalemodeaspectfill; // present scene. [_skview presentscene:scene]; [self.view addsubview:_skview]; } }
and have _skview defined, , works fine.
but, when interrupt game, resets state initial, so, example, if i'm playing, , calls me, game switches main menu. can't this.
based on site mentioned above, created :
- (void)applicationwillresignactive:(uiapplication *)application { skview *view = (skview *)self.window.rootviewcontroller.view; view.paused = yes; } - (void)applicationdidbecomeactive:(uiapplication *)application { skview *view = (skview *)self.window.rootviewcontroller.view; view.paused = no; }
but game crashes launched, because second method called , skview* view nil. getting self.window.rootviewcontroller.view doesn't work.
i tried self.window.rootviewcontroller.view.subviews, doesn't work either.
i can't define skview (in viewcontroller.m) :
skview * skview = (skview *)self.view;
because have errors gamecentercontroller.
can me how correctly actual skview , pause properly??
you subscribe these notifications within viewcontroller manages skview. don't have navigate weird hierarchy obtain it.
[[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] addobserver:self selector:@selector(willenterbackground) name:uiapplicationdidenterbackgroundnotification object:nil]; [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] addobserver:self selector:@selector(willenterforeground) name:uiapplicationwillenterforegroundnotification object:nil]; - (void)willenterforeground { self.skview.paused = no; } - (void)willenterbackground { // pause , remember resume animation when enter foreground self.skview.paused = yes; }
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