java - Get facebook access token with spring social FacebookConnectionFactory -

i trying implement facebook connection using spring social, based on example(from spring social manual):

facebookconnectionfactory connectionfactory =      new facebookconnectionfactory("clientid", "clientsecret"); oauth2operations oauthoperations = connectionfactory.getoauthoperations(); oauth2parameters params = new oauth2parameters(); params.setredirecturi("https://my-callback-url"); string authorizeurl = oauthoperations.buildauthorizeurl(granttype.authorization_code, params); response.sendredirect(authorizeurl);  // upon receiving callback provider: accessgrant accessgrant = oauthoperations.exchangeforaccess(authorizationcode, "https://my-callback-url", null); connection<facebook> connection = connectionfactory.createconnection(accessgrant); 

my problem don't know redirect url should code this:

@requestmapping("/face")     public string communicate() {         facebookconnectionfactory connectionfactory =                  new facebookconnectionfactory(clientid, clientsecret);             oauth2operations oauthoperations = connectionfactory.getoauthoperations();             oauth2parameters params = new oauth2parameters();                     //this remdirecturi should one?             params.setredirecturi("http://dev01.spring:8080/spring/face");             string authorizeurl = oauthoperations.buildauthorizeurl(granttype.authorization_code, params);             system.out.println(authorizeurl);             //return "redirect:"+authorizeurl;              // upon receiving callback provider:             //accessgrant accessgrant = oauthoperations.exchangeforaccess(authorizationcode, "https://my-callback-url", null);             //connection<facebook> connection = connectionfactory.createconnection(accessgrant);     } 

my authorizeurl this(from system.out line):

if uncomment line continue oauth flow redirecting authorizeurl, i'm getting following error: webpage has redirect loop. question is, redirect uri should be.thank you.

very late edit, in hopes helps someone. controller , method whole oauth2 dance. must add worked when question asked, have no idea how behaves now.

@controller public class facebookcontroller {      private static final string clientid = "clientidhere";              // clientid facebook app     private static final string clientsecret = "clientsecret here";     // clientsecret     private facebookconnectionfactory connectionfactory;                    // facebookconnectionfactory      /*      * if authorization given provider(code) token , bind api.      */     @requestmapping("/facebook/callback")     public string authorize(@requestparam("code") string authorizationcode,model model) {         // exchange facebook code access token.                                                                          accessgrant accessgrant = connectionfactory.getoauthoperations().exchangeforaccess(authorizationcode, "http://localhost:8080/testapp/facebook/callback", null); // not application deployed @ "http://localhost:8080/testapp"         // connect facebook given token.         connection<facebook> connection = connectionfactory.createconnection(accessgrant);         // bind api         facebook facebook = connection.getapi();         // user profile informations         facebookprofile userprofile = facebook.useroperations().getuserprofile();          // @ point have acces facebook api.         // ex can data user profile          // create user facebook's user accounts details.         user facebookuser = new user(userprofile.getfirstname(),                 userprofile.getlastname(),                 userprofile.getemail(),                 role.role_facebookuser,                 "socialuser");          return "redirect:/home";     } } 


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