java - how do i count occurrence of words in a line -

i new java. want count occurrences of words in particular line. far can count words no idea how count occurrences.

is there simple way this?

scanner file = new scanner(new fileinputstream("/../output.txt")); int count = 0;   while (file.hasnextline()) {     string s = file.nextline();     count++;           if(s.contains("#avfc")){        system.out.printf("there %d words on line ", s.split("\\s").length-1);        system.out.println(count);          }    } file.close();  


    there 4 words on line 1      there 8 words on line 13      there 3 words on line 16 

simplest way can think of use string.split("\\s"), split based on spaces.

then have hashmap containing word key value being number of times used.

   hashmap<string, integer> mapofwords = new hashmap<string, integer>();        while (file.hasnextline()) {         string s = file.nextline();          string[] words = s.split("\\s");         int count;         (string word : words) {            if (mapofwords.get(word) == null) {               mapofwords.put(word, 1);            }            else {               count = mapofword.get(word);               mapofwords.put(word, count + 1);            }         }       } 

implementation requested skip strings contain words

   hashmap<string, integer> mapofwords = new hashmap<string, integer>();     while (file.hasnextline()) {         string s = file.nextline();          string[] words = s.split("\\s");         int count;          if (isstringwanted(s) == false) {            continue;           }           (string word : words) {            if (mapofwords.get(word) == null) {               mapofwords.put(word, 1);            }            else {               count = mapofword.get(word);               mapofwords.put(word, count + 1);            }         }       }  private boolean isstringwanted(string s) {     string[] checkstrings = new string[] {"chelsea", "liverpool", "#lfc"};      (string check : checkstring) {         if (s.contains(check)) {            return false;         }     }     return true; } 


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