ios - UITableViewCell top shadow is covered by UITableView header view -

i have uitableview custom headerview (added via storyboard). want put drop shadow on first cell in table view. unfortunately, header view covers shadow.

i making shadow in cellforrowatindexpath with:

[cell setclipstobounds:no]; [cell.layer setmaskstobounds:no]; [cell.layer setshadowoffset:cgsizemake(0, 2)]; [cell.layer setshadowcolor:[[uicolor blackcolor] cgcolor]]; [cell.layer setshadowradius:4.0]; [cell.layer setshadowopacity:1.0]; [cell.layer setzposition:10.0]; 

the shadow appears if set hidden state of header view yes. if header if visible, covers shadow. need shadow display in front of header view.

i have tried:

[self.tableview sendsubviewtoback:self.headerview]; 

which has no effect.

what's correct way accomplish this? thanks!

setting header view's zposition negative works me:

- (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload];     self.tableview.tableheaderview.layer.zposition = -1; } 

i didn't need modify view ordering or set zposition of cells.
