PHP POST store same input name in an array and loop through without [] on the end -

is there way of storing values input fields same name out []. need loop through input fields , store them in database..


problem when add [] on end, out put value not appear

foreach($modelyoutubevideo $video) {     echo "<div class='row clone'>";         echo $form->labelex($video,'embed_code');         echo $form->textfield($video,'embed_code' . '[]',array('size'=>50,'maxlength'=>50));         echo $form->error($video,'embed_code');          echo $form->labelex($video,'description');         echo $form->textfield($video,'description' . '[]',array('size'=>50,'maxlength'=>250));         echo $form->error($video,'description');     echo "</div>";      $i++;  }      $this->widget('ext.widgets.recopy.recopywidget', array(             'targetclass'=>'clone',     )); ?> 
