- Moving from Castle Windsor to an IoC that runs under Medium Trust -

i've inherited project running on host had set full trust, required castle windsor ioc. new host, however, run in medium trust (as shared hosting providers), need replace windsor ioc.

being new ioc, i'm not sure framework(s) best use under medium trust , service locator model.

an example of existing registration code follows:

iwindsorcontainer container = new windsorcontainer(); controllerbuilder.current.setcontrollerfactory(new windsorcontrollerfactory(container));  container.registercontrollers(typeof(homecontroller).assembly);  container.register(     component.for(typeof(ientityduplicatechecker))         .implementedby(typeof(entityduplicatechecker))         .named("entityduplicatechecker"));  container.register(     alltypes         .fromassemblynamed("")         .pick()         .withservice.firstnongenericcoreinterface(""));  container.register(     alltypes     .fromthisassembly()         .pick()         .withservice.firstnongenericcoreinterface(""));  servicelocator.setlocatorprovider(() => new windsorservicelocator(container)); 

it save me lot of trial-and-error each framework, if had guidance of ones suitable, work under medium trust shared hosting, , example of translating above started.

the partial trust requirement of hoster odd, since microsoft has provided guidance hosters should migrate away medium trust , use proper os-level isolation instead (see here , here , here). official position of team medium trust obsolete, means new features , frameworks wont tested partial trust support , bugs in area won't fixed.

nevertheless, there other frameworks run in partial trust:

there might others, these ones know of.


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