c# - explorer.exe memory usage is high when deleting files -
i have application running on server.
i start off thread goes infinite loop.
the 1st thing loop enumerate directories in folder.
this folder has many sub-folder receives small image files many clients.
my loop looks directories/files older 24hrs today's immediate time /date.
if older code deletes files , parent folder.
my loop 'sleep' 60 seconds before repeating again.
now, have noticed if there large number of files delete or/and app has been running several days explorer.exe memory increases significantly.
so, have question code.
this code:
thread tharchiver = null; private void btnarchiver_click(object sender, eventargs e) { try { if (btnarchiver.text == "start") { btnarchiver.text = "stop"; lvwservices.items[4].subitems[1].text = "started"; tharchiver = new thread(archiveworker); tharchiver.start(); } else { btnarchiver.text = "start"; lvwservices.items[4].subitems[1].text = "stopped"; tharchiver.abort(); } } catch { } } private void archiveworker() { while (true) { try { list<string> catdirs = directory.enumeratedirectories(cataloguepath, "*", searchoption.topdirectoryonly).tolist(); (int index = 0; index < catdirs.count; index++) { //look @ time of creation , delete directory directory.delete(catdirs[index]); } } catch (exception _ex) { //report error } thread.sleep(60000); } }
this possible!
reasons can thread sleeps 60 sec only
list<string> catdirs = directory.enumeratedirectories(cataloguepath, "*", searchoption.topdirectoryonly).tolist();
and creating list in every new thread happening list of folders , reference stored again , again. , never ending process keep going on , on , size increases. stored in memory see lag.
what suggest is: don't open new thread , put check last thread completed or not.
update: possible reason per comments @andrew , @maarten
list<string> catdirs = directory.enumeratedirectories(cataloguepath, "*", searchoption.topdirectoryonly).tolist(); (int index = 0; index < catdirs.count; index++) { //look @ time of creation , delete directory directory.delete(catdirs[index]); }
i feel forloop taking time because might happening directory.delete(catdirs[index]); starts new thread no might happening there lot of files deleted in queue , queue increases day day. thats might reason seeing lag
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