- Connect XPage with OpenOffice -

i have button on xpage want connect remote openoffice instance. openoffice started , listening socket connection.

the onclick event of button runs following ssjs:

     oo = new com.test.openoffice();     oo.init("host=,port=8107");     oo.openfile("c:\\temp\\test.odt"); 

the code raises excepction jva.lang.illeagalstateexception: notescontext not initialized thread

the exception raised within method initof class openoffice.

the relevant parts of class openoffice following code:

 public class dhopenoffice implements serializable {     private static final long serialversionuid = -7443191805456329135l;     private xcomponentcontext xremotecontext;     private xmulticomponentfactory xmcf;     private xtextdocument otextdocument;      public dhopenoffice() {         xremotecontext = null;         xmcf = null;         otextdocument = null;     }         public void init(string hostadr) throws java.lang.exception {         xremotecontext = null;          xcomponentcontext xlocalcontext = bootstrap.createinitialcomponentcontext(null);         xunourlresolver xurlresolver = unourlresolver.create(xlocalcontext);          string sconnect = "uno:socket," + hostadr + ",tcpnodelay=0;urp;staroffice.servicemanager";          object context = xurlresolver.resolve(sconnect);         xremotecontext = unoruntime.queryinterface(xcomponentcontext.class, context);           xmcf = xremotecontext.getservicemanager();       }  

the code line object context = xurlresolver.resolve(sconnect); 1 raises exception.

why happing? reason exception , how can resolve situation?

n.b.: class code runs smoothly in standalone application. error occurs when code started ssjs code.

it looks threading issue. there number of things can go , try:

  • wrap whole interaction custom class , use managed bean instead of calling ssjs
  • make sure not hand on notes objects custom class, own
  • check if open document toolkit sufficient operations interested in, don't need run oo

let know how goes

try outside standard xpages cycle. 1 way deploy custom plug-in servlet:

 import javax.servlet.servletexception;  import javax.servlet.http.httpservlet;  import javax.servlet.http.httpservletrequest;  import javax.servlet.http.httpservletresponse;  import javax.servlet.http.httpsession;  public class openofficeservlet extends httpservlet {    // code goes here } 

you need plugin.xml right:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <?eclipse version="3.4"?> <plugin>    <extension point="org.eclipse.equinox.http.registry.servlets">          <servlet alias="/ooproxy" class="com.yourcompany.openofficeservlet" />    </extension> </plugin> 

then e.g. post json structure or serializable java object servlet data , process there (async if necessary). deploy such plug-in using updatesite.nsf


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