python - Having problems in extracting duplicates -

i stumped problem, , no matter how around it, still giving me same result.

basically, supposedly have 2 groups - grpa_null , grpb_null, each having 2 meshes in them , named same, brick_geo , bars_geo - result: grpa_null --> brick_geo, bars_geo

but reason, in code below presume 1 giving me problems, when run, program states grpa_null has same duplicates grpb_null, referencing brick_geo , bars_geo. code run, children geo have numerical value behind, - result: grpa_null --> brick_geo0, bars_geo0, grpb_null1 --> brick_geo, bars_geo1

and so, tried modify code such long parent (grpa_null , grpb_null) different, shall not 'touch' on children.

could kindly advice me on it?

    def extractduplicateboxlist(self, inputs):     result = {}      in range(0, len(inputs)):         print '<<< : %s' %i         n in range(0, len(inputs)):             print '<<< n %s' %n             if != n:                 name = inputs[i].getshortname()                 # result: brick_geo                  lname = inputs[i].getlongname()                 # result: |grpa_null|concrete_geo                  if name == inputs[n].getshortname():                     # if list created result.                     if result.has_key(name):                         # make sure not in list , add it.                         alreadyadded = false                         box in result[name]:                             if box == inputs[i]:                                 alreadyadded = true                         if alreadyadded == false:                             result[name].append(inputs[i])                     # otherwise create new list , add it.                     else:                         result[name] = []                         result[name].append(inputs[i])      return result 

there couple of things may want aware of. first , foremost, indentation matters in python. don't know if indentation of code is intended, function code should indented further in function def.

secondly, find question little difficult understand. there several things improve code.

in collections module, there (or should be) type called defaultdict. type similar dict, except having default value of type specify. defaultdict(int) have default of 0 when key, if key wasn't there before. allows implementation of counters, such find duplicates without sorting.

from collections import defaultdict  counter = defaultdict(int)  item in items:     counter[item] += 1 

this brings me point. python loops implement for-each structure. never need enumerate items in order access them. so, instead of

for in range(0,len(inputs)): 

you want use

for input in inputs: 

and if need enumerate inputs

for i,input in enumerate(inputs): 

finally, can iterate , filter through iterable objects using list comprehensions, dict comprehensions, or generator expressions. powerful. see create dictionary list comprehension in python

try code out, play it. see if works you.

from collections import defaultdict  def extractduplicateboxlist(self, inputs):     counts = defaultdict(int)      input in inputs:         counts[input.getshortname()] += 1     dup_shns = set([k k,v in counts.items() if v > 1])     dups = [i in inputs if input.getshortname() in dup_shns]      return dups 


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