multithreading - Kill a thread in previous activity in android -

i have thread in activity starts activity b after 30 seconds.but user can go activity b before time on button click.i want kill thread in activity if user clicks button activity b wont started again. tried kill thread if button clicked, of no use , finish() not killing thread after navigating b.

thread t=new thread()     {         public void run()         {                 try {                 sleep(5000);                 currentclass = class.forname("com.crazydna.memorizethepic.level"+levelnumber);                 intent ourintent = new intent(picturedisplay.this, currentclass);                 startactivity(ourintent);             }              catch (classnotfoundexception e) {                 // todo auto-generated catch block                 log.e("tag","error: " +e.getstacktrace());                 //e.printstacktrace();                 alertdialog.builder alertdialog=new alertdialog.builder(picturedisplay.this);                 alertdialog.settitle("alert!!!");                 alertdialog.setmessage(" "+e.tostring());                 alertdialog.setneutralbutton(android.r.string.ok, new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {                        public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int id) {                            dialog.dismiss();                                                }                    });       ;             } catch (interruptedexception e) {                 // todo auto-generated catch block                 e.printstacktrace();                 alertdialog.builder alertdialog=new alertdialog.builder(picturedisplay.this);                 alertdialog.settitle("alert!!!");                 alertdialog.setmessage(" "+e.tostring());                 alertdialog.setneutralbutton(android.r.string.ok, new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {                        public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int id) {                            dialog.dismiss();                                                }                    });       ;             }         }     };     t.start(); 

you have options.

the first option shorten time sleep() function , enclose in while() block monitor cancellation variable, variable in class definition.

boolean run_my_timer = true; while (run_my_timer) {     sleep(1000); // sleep 1 second     currentclass = class.forname("com.crazydna.memorizethepic.level"+levelnumber);     intent ourintent = new intent(picturedisplay.this, currentclass);     startactivity(ourintent); } 

and add line set's variable false if user clicks button

run_my_timer = false; 

this make thread exit.

the second option, more elegant create timer, instead of thread, if user presses button open activityb cancel timer, timer's cancel() method.


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