objective c - KeyboardDismissMode crashes the app -

so, have uitableview, , fetch data web array , show in tableview. also, have uitextfield acting search bar tableview. type text in text field, click search , tableview table gets generated.

and here problem: tried implement new exciting feature presented in ios 7 - keyboarddimissmode hide keyboard when scrolling starts, works ok if have dozens of cells (basically, if have more 1 screen). if have no results, or 2-3 results , have keyboard on screen, , start scroll screen down - app crashes sigabrt error right away.

it doesn't matter if use checkbox in storyboard or type

self.tableview.keyboarddismissmode = uiscrollviewkeyboarddismissmodeondrag; 

it crashes anyway.

if old style, this

    - (void)scrollviewwillbegindragging:(uiscrollview *)scrollview {     [searchbar resignfirstresponder]; } 

then works fine. , when happens doesn't go cellforrowatindexpath or that, crashes right away.

and there more: tried implement uiscrollviewkeyboarddismissmodeinteractive mode - , keyboard doesn't dismissed on touch @ me.

but if it, again, old style - works without problems. this:

uitapgesturerecognizer *tap = [[uitapgesturerecognizer alloc] initwithtarget:self action:@selector(dismisskeyboard)]; tap.cancelstouchesinview = no; [self.view addgesturerecognizer:tap]; 

so, question is: feature buggy now, or i'm doing wrong here? thank you.


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