ios - Commit to git after switching to workspace and adding CocoaPods in Xcode? -

i've added cocoapods current project in xcode 5. of course, cocoapods created workspace , i've launched workspace in xcode. see both project , pods project in workspace.

my project has been under source control (local git + remote bitbucket repository) since day one. want commit , add pod stuff think repo deep in workspace--when try commit (and i've tried various commits pod stuff take) errors out.

how can add pods repo? have delete old repo , create new 1 (git init) @ workspace level? (i sure hope not because i'm not great git , have lot of historical commits in repo already.)

git add .

from directory enclosing xcode project, execute git add .. documentation here.


you had following hierarchy prior pod init:

enter image description here

in likelihood, git setup starts @ directory enclosing .xcodeproj.

after pod install, hierarchy did not change. merely have more files @ same level:

enter image description here

the .xcworkspace next .xcodeproj, not above. free execute

git add . 

...followed by

git commit -m "message" 

...assuming .gitignore set properly, , wether or not prefer commit pods directory.
