php - Bootstrap modal confirmation delete -
hello guys i'm trying delete record/row table using modal delete confirmation. i've tried far:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $(".btn-show-modal").click(function(e){ e.preventdefault(); $("#dialog-example").modal('show'); }); $("#btn-delete").click(function(e) { $("#dialog-example").modal('hide'); }); }); </script> <table class="table table-bordered"> <?php $stmt2 = $conn->prepare( "select project_code, description tblprojects" ); $stmt2->execute(); for($i=0; $row2 = $stmt2->fetch(); $i++){ $project = $row2['project_code']; $desc = $row2['description']; ?> <tr> <td><a href="project-detail.php?code=<?php echo $project; ?>"> <?php echo $project; ?></a></td> <td><?php echo $desc; ?></td> <td><a href="update-project.php?code=<?php echo $project; ?>" title="update record"> <i class="icon-edit icon-white"> </i> </a></td> <td><a href="#<?php echo $project; ?>" id="<?php echo $project; ?>" data-id="<?php echo $project; ?>" class="btn-show-modal" data-toggle="modal" title="delete record"> <i class="icon-trash icon-white"></i></a></td> <div class="modal hide fade" id="dialog-example"> <div class="modal-header"> <h5>confirm delete</h5> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p class="modaltext">are sure want delete record?</p> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <a href="#" data-dismiss="modal" class="btn btn-info">no<a> <a href="delete-project.php?code=<?php echo $project; ?>" class="btn btn-danger" id="btn-delete">yes<a> </div> </div> </tr> <?php } ?> </table>
but problem is, when delete last row 1 gets deleted first row. why that? ideas? appreciated. thanks.
the problem lies in modal generation , passing $project value.
you using loop
for($i=0; $row2 = $stmt2->fetch(); $i++){ $project = $row2['project_code']; $desc = $row2['description']; ?>
and inside above loop generating modals have many modals equal num of rows in query.
now of them having same "id" i.e. "dialog-example" , once click on delete pop ups first modal dom , deleting wrong data.
solution each modal give id as
<div class="modal hide fade" id="dialog-example_<?php echo $project; ?>">
then in blow code
$(".btn-show-modal").click(function(e){ e.preventdefault(); $("#dialog-example").modal('show'); });
get id of element using attr("id") , append @ end of
"dialog-example_"+{id received}
the same thing need hide modal well.
update on how
give modal div id as
<div class="modal hide fade" id="dialog-example_<?php echo $project; ?>">
then in click function as
$(".btn-show-modal").click(function(e){ e.preventdefault(); var id = $(this).attr('id'); var modal_id = "dialog-example_"+id; $("#"+modal_id).modal('show'); });
<a href="delete-project.php?code=<?php echo $project; ?>" class="btn btn-danger" id="btn-delete">yes<a>
<a href="delete-project.php?code=<?php echo $project; ?>" class="btn btn-danger" id="<?php echo $project ;?>">yes<a>
and finally
$("#btn-delete").click(function(e) { $("#dialog-example").modal('hide'); });
$(".btn btn-danger").click(function(e) { var id = $(this).attr('id'); var modal_id = "dialog-example_"+id; $("#"+modal_id).modal('hide'); });
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