Thredds threddsConfig.xml file issue with WMS -

i have installed version 4.3 of thredds (on tomcat 7) , it's working, except wms.

if used older threddsconfig.xml file (which pretty defaults except uncommenting wms, works , see godiva link.

if download latest threddsconfig.xml , uncomment out wms feature, godiva link doesn't appear.

here default xml file modification:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <threddsconfig>    <!-- options commented out in standard install - meaning use default values -->   <!-- see -->   <serverinformation>     <name>initial tds installation</name>     <logourl>/thredds/threddsicon.gif</logourl>     <logoalttext>initial tds installation</logoalttext>      <abstract>scientific data</abstract>     <keywords>meteorology, atmosphere, climate, ocean, earth science</keywords>      <contact>       <name>support</name>       <organization>my group</organization>       <email></email>       <!--phone></phone-->     </contact>     <hostinstitution>       <name>my group</name>       <website></website>       <logourl>mygroup.gif</logourl>       <logoalttext>my group</logoalttext>     </hostinstitution>   </serverinformation>    <!--   <catalogroot> element:   catalogs don't want visible /thredds/catalog.xml chain   of catalogs, can use catalogroot elements. each catalog root config   catalog crawled , used in configuring tds.    <catalogroot>myextracatalog.xml</catalogroot>   <catalogroot>myotherextracatalog.xml</catalogroot>   -->    <!--    * setup generated html pages.    *    * note: urls may absolute or relative, relative urls must relative    * webapp url, i.e., http://server:port/thredds/.     -->   <htmlsetup>     <!--      * css documents used in generated html pages.      * css document given in "catalogcssurl" element used pages      * html catalog views. css document given in "standardcssurl"      * element used in other generated html pages.      * -->     <standardcssurl>tds.css</standardcssurl>     <catalogcssurl>tdscat.css</catalogcssurl>     <opendapcssurl>tdsdap.css</opendapcssurl>    </htmlsetup>    <!--    <catalogservices> element:    - services on local tds served catalogs on.    - services on remote catalogs set allowremote element    below. off default (recommended).    -->   <catalogservices>     <allowremote>false</allowremote>   </catalogservices>    <!--   configuring cdm (netcdf-java library)   see    <nj22config>     <ioserviceprovider class="edu.univ.ny.stuff.foofiles"/>     <coordsysbuilder convention="foo" class=""/>     <coordtransbuilder name="atmos_ln_sigma_coordinates" type="vertical" class="my.stuff.atmossigmalog"/>     <typeddatasetfactory datatype="point" class="gov.noaa.obscure.file.flabulate"/>   </nj22config>   -->    <!--   cdm uses diskcache directory store temporary files, uncompressed files.   <diskcache>     <alwaysuse>false</alwaysuse>     <scour>1 hour</scour>     <maxsize>1 gb</maxsize>   </diskcache>   -->    <!--   caching open netcdffile objects.   default allow 50 - 100 open files, cleanup every 11 minutes   <netcdffilecache>     <minfiles>50</minfiles>     <maxfiles>100</maxfiles>     <scour>11 min</scour>   </netcdffilecache>   -->    <!--   <httpfilecache> element:   allow 10 - 20 open datasets, cleanup every 17 minutes   used http range requests.   <httpfilecache>     <minfiles>10</minfiles>     <maxfiles>20</maxfiles>     <scour>17 min</scour>   </httpfilecache>   -->    <!--   grib index caching   <gribindex>     <alwaysuse>false</alwaysuse>     <dir>/tomcat_home/content/thredds/cache/grib/</dir>     <policy>onedirectory</policy>     <scour>0 hours</scour>     <maxage>90 days</maxage>   </gribindex>   -->    <!--   persist joinnew aggregations named directory. scour every 24 hours, delete stuff older 90 days   <aggregationcache>     <scour>24 hours</scour>     <maxage>90 days</maxage>   </aggregationcache>   -->    <!--   how choose template dataset aggregation. latest, random, or penultimate   <aggregation>     <typicaldataset>penultimate</typicaldataset>   </aggregation>   -->    <!--   netcdf subset service off default.   <netcdfsubsetservice>     <allow>false</allow>     <scour>10 min</scour>     <maxage>-1 min</maxage>   </netcdfsubsetservice>   -->    <!--   <opendap>     <asclimit>50</asclimit>     <binlimit>500</binlimit>     <serverversion>opendap/3.7</serverversion>   </opendap>     -->    <!--   wcs service off default.   also, off default (and encouraged) operating on remote dataset.   <wcs>     <allow>false</allow>     <allowremote>false</allowremote>     <scour>15 min</scour>     <maxage>30 min</maxage>   </wcs>   -->    <wms>     <allow>false</allow>     <allowremote>false</allowremote>     <scour>15 min</scour>     <maxage>30 min</maxage>   </wms>    <!--   <nciso>     <ncmlallow>false</ncmlallow>     <uddcallow>false</uddcallow>     <isoallow>false</isoallow>   </nciso>   -->    <!-- cataloggen service off default.   <cataloggen>     <allow>false</allow>   </cataloggen>    -->    <!-- dlwriter service off default.        support operating on remote catalogs.   <dlwriter>     <allow>false</allow>     <allowremote>false</allowremote>   </dlwriter>    -->    <!-- dqcservice off default.   <dqcservice>     <allow>false</allow>   </dqcservice>    -->    <!--    link viewer application on html page:    <viewer>my.package.myviewer</viewer>    -->     <!--    add datasource - iosp access servlet request parameters    <datasetsource>my.package.datsetsourceimpl</datasetsource>    -->    <!--   modify logging parameters. use log4j.xml   <logging>     <datepattern></datepattern>     <maxfile`enter code here`size></maxfilesize>     <maxfiles></maxfiles>   </logging>   -->  </threddsconfig> 


in order godiva2 link show under viewers in thredds data server, must 2 things:

  1. enable wms in threddsconfig.xml. make sure <wms> block uncommented, , set <allow> true:

     <wms>     <allow>true</allow>     <allowremote>false</allowremote>     <scour>15 min</scour>     <maxage>30 min</maxage>   </wms> 
  2. make sure wms included in list of services in thredds catalog datasets want wms enabled:

    <service name="allservices" servicetype="compound" base="">   <service name="ncdods" servicetype="opendap" base="/thredds/dodsc/"/>   <service name="ncss" servicetype="netcdfsubset" base="/thredds/ncss/grid/"/>   <service name="wms" servicetype="wms" base="/thredds/wms/"/>   <service name="iso" servicetype="iso" base="/thredds/iso/" />   <service name="ncml" servicetype="ncml" base="/thredds/ncml/" />   <service name="uddc" servicetype="uddc" base="/thredds/uddc/" /> </service> 


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