c++ - Compilation error when moving to Qt5 : 'Type' has not been declared -

use qt 5.2.1 compile old qt project (maybe created qt 4.8): lan messenger open source:

#ifndef qtsingleapplication_h #define qtsingleapplication_h  #include <qapplication>  class qtlocalpeer;  #if defined(q_ws_win) || defined(q_os_win32) #  if !defined(qt_qtsingleapplication_export) && !defined(qt_qtsingleapplication_import) #    define qt_qtsingleapplication_export #  elif defined(qt_qtsingleapplication_import) #    if defined(qt_qtsingleapplication_export) #      undef qt_qtsingleapplication_export #    endif #    define qt_qtsingleapplication_export __declspec(dllimport) #  elif defined(qt_qtsingleapplication_export) #    undef qt_qtsingleapplication_export #    define qt_qtsingleapplication_export __declspec(dllexport) #  endif #else #  define qt_qtsingleapplication_export #endif  class qt_qtsingleapplication_export qtsingleapplication : public qapplication { q_object  public: qtsingleapplication(int &argc, char **argv, bool guienabled = true); qtsingleapplication(const qstring &id, int &argc, char **argv); qtsingleapplication(int &argc, char **argv, type type); #if defined(q_ws_x11) qtsingleapplication(display* dpy, qt::handle visual = 0, qt::handle colormap = 0); qtsingleapplication(display *dpy, int &argc, char **argv, qt::handle visual = 0, qt::handle cmap= 0); qtsingleapplication(display* dpy, const qstring &appid, int argc, char **argv,     qt::handle visual = 0, qt::handle colormap = 0); #endif  bool isrunning(); qstring id() const;  void setactivationwindow(qwidget* aw, bool activateonmessage = true); qwidget* activationwindow() const;  // obsolete: void initialize(bool dummy = true)     { isrunning(); q_unused(dummy) }  public q_slots: bool sendmessage(const qstring &message, int timeout = 5000); void activatewindow();   q_signals: void messagereceived(const qstring &message);   private: void sysinit(const qstring &appid = qstring()); qtlocalpeer *peer; qwidget *actwin; };  #endif // qtsingleapplication_h 

error: 'type' has not been declared

i dont know how fix these error. help? thank you.

quote commit in qt repository :

qcoreapplication::type , qapplication::type() have been removed. these qt3 legacy application types did not match application types available in qt5. use example qobject_cast instead dynamically find out exact application type.


as workaround if don't specify type in qtsingleapplication constructor can comment out , still keep using qtsingleapplication without it.

qtsingleapplication.h: line 70:

//qtsingleapplication(int &argc, char **argv, type type); 

qtsingleapplication.cpp: line 176:

/*qtsingleapplication::qtsingleapplication(int &argc, char **argv, type type) :  qapplication(argc, argv, type) {     sysinit(); }*/ 


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