jquery - Disable Kendo Chart Tooltip Animations -

i want rid of silly tooltip animation slides tooltip 1 bar another. updates tooltip instantly lingers on previous bar. have tried documenations transitions property on both chart , tooltip , neither has affect.

$('.chart').kendochart({     transitions: false,     series: [{         name: "gold medals",         data: [current.data("compliant-count")],         color: "#f3ac32"     }, {         name: "silver medals",         data: [current.data("noncompliant-count")],         color: "#b8b8b8"     },     tooltip: {          visible: true,          template: "#= series.name #: #= value #",          transitions: false     } }); 

i think transitions configuration option applies chart (bars etc.). can disable animation tooltip this:

var chart = $('#chart').kendochart({     transitions: false,     series: [{         name: "gold medals",         data: [current.data("compliant-count")],         color: "#f3ac32"     }, {         name: "silver medals",         data: [current.data("noncompliant-count")],         color: "#b8b8b8"     },     tooltip: {          visible: true,          template: "#= series.name #: #= value #"     } }).data("kendochart"); chart._tooltip.options.animation.duration = 0; 


you can achieve same chart tooltips changing default options before creating charts:

kendo.dataviz.tooltip.fn.options.animation.duration = 0; 

completely eliminating effect of content changing before tooltip moved require changes in source code of kendo.dataviz.tooltip.
