assembly - Loop structure skips some letters? -

i have here code supposed to:

  • take input
  • compare each lower-case letter of alphabet "a"-"z" / 97d-122d
    • compare if current character equal input: if true, proceed conversion , echo
    • increment current character
    • compare if counter equal limit, while not continue testing characters
  • if not found a - z, display invalid input message , go input prompt

here's code:

.model small .stack 100h .data     prompt  db 10, 13, 10, 13, "enter character: $"     upper   db 10, 13, "upper case: $"     invalid db 10, 13, "invalid character!$"  .code     mov ax, @data     mov ds, ax     mov cx, 26 input:     mov ah, 09h     lea dx, prompt     int 21h      mov ah, 01h     int 21h          cmp al, ' '         je exit      mov bl, 0     mov bh, 97d     ; bh == 'a' tst:         add bh, bl         cmp al, bh  ; cmp (input,bl)          je continue ; if equal go continue      add bl, 1     cmp bl, 122     ; cmp (bh,'z')     jne tst         ; if not equal loop                      ; invalid if not found 'a' - 'z'     mov ah, 09h     lea dx, invalid     int 21h     jmp input  continue:     sub al, 32              ; subtract 32 make upper case     mov ah, 09h     lea dx, upper     int 21h      mov ah, 02h     mov dl, al     int 21h     jmp input  exit:     mov ah, 4ch     int 21h end 

but there letters considers invalid: c, f, h, i, n, r, s, w, x, y, z
what causes these behaviours?
info: use tasm.exe assembler, tlink.exe linker , dos-box emulator

to fix problem should change this:

    mov bl, 97 tst:     cmp al, bl  ; cmp (input,bl)      je continue ; if equal go continue      add bl, 1     cmp bl, 123     ; cmp (bh,'z'+1 include z well)     jne tst         ; if not equal loop 

however, code rather ineffecient. should take @ instructions jg , jl. loop not needed @ because can cmparison.


if(ah < 'a')    jmp invalid if(ah > 'z')    jmp invalid  printupper jmp continue 

also, if value intended character makes code more readbable acutally use character, instead of it's ascii value. i.e. move bl, 'a'.

btw: exit on space not according spec. :)


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