cql - NDepend how to export all types that I use from .NET frameworks in my assembly -

i'm not .net developer, need solve 1 task: create report contain types .net frameworks using in given assembly. when open assembly in visualndepend see need in classbrowser, don't know how export of these lists file. if understand correctly need create correct cql query , export on desired format. can me query? thank.

the cqlinq code query can write is:

// <name>all .net fx types used</name> t in thirdparty.assemblies.withnamewildcardmatchin(    "mscorlib",    "system*",    "microsoft.*",    "presentation*").childtypes() select t 

basically here asking third-parties assemblies, filtered name wildcard patterns, match .net fx assemblies. , call childtypes() types of these assemblies.

notice ndepend gather third-party types used application, won't unused types in result.

notice changing childtypes() childmethods() or childfields() or childnamespaces() can methods, fields or namespaces of .net fx used.

to such query (that not rule violated) listed in report, need query saved in group applied list code queries of group in dedicated section in report.

ndepend list code queries in report

if want bypass report, can export result html or xml format:

export ndepend code query result
