java - Trying to map to domain model from json with an object inside -

i have json:


that want parse domain model class

public class threadcreatingmodel { int userid; string title; string content; arraylist<tag> taglist;  public threadcreatingmodel(){}  public threadcreatingmodel(int userid, string title, string content, arraylist<tag> taglist) {     this.userid = userid;     this.title = title;     this.content = content;     this.taglist = taglist; }  @jsonproperty("userid") public int getuserid() { return this.userid; } public void setuserid(int userid) { this.userid = userid; }  @jsonproperty("title") public string gettitle() { return this.title; } public void settitle(string title) { this.title = title; }  @jsonproperty("content") public string getcontent() { return this.content; } public void setcontent(string content) { this.content = content; }   public arraylist<tag> gettaglist() { return this.taglist; } public void settaglist(arraylist<tag> taglist) { this.taglist = taglist;} 

that has tag class inside:

public class tag {     public string name;     public tag(){     }      public tag(string name) { = name;     }      public string getname() { return; }     public void setname(string name) { = name; } } 

in mapper class this:

    string incoming = "{\"userid\":2,\"title\":\"jfsdk\",\"content\":\"dskljf\",\"taglist\":{\"name\":\"fysikk\",\"name\":\"matte\",\"name\":\"kjemi\"}}";     objectmapper mapper = new objectmapper().configure(deserializationfeature.accept_single_value_as_array,true);     threadcreatingmodel tcm = null;     try {         tcm = mapper.readvalue(incoming, threadcreatingmodel.class);          system.out.println(tcm.gettaglist().get(0).name);      } catch (ioexception ioe) {         system.out.println(ioe.tostring());         system.out.println("failed mapping");     } } 

when have "get(0)" last one. if try put 1 java.lang.indexoutofboundsexception: index: 1, size: 1

if remove .configure(deserializationfeature.accept_single_value_as_array,true)

i error:

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsonmappingexception: can not deserialize instance of java.util.arraylist out of start_object token @ [source:; line: 1, column: 47] (through reference chain:["taglist"])

any ? been googeling ages now..

i redesigned frontend-code json have looks instead michaƂ ziober mentioned :


and works wanted do!


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