- How can I preserve comments that matter in MVC 4 style bundling? -

i have found link:

it shows how same thing javascript , have used make attempt stylebundles, i'm unsure if it's doing things correctly on backend.

is source code available? if not know if seems right? want keep comments start /*! licenses open source projects normalize included in production.

here have far:

public static void registerbundles(bundlecollection bundles) {     // allows keep /*! comments licensing purposes     var cssbundlesettings = new csssettings     {         commentmode = csscomment.important     }; }  public class configurablestylebundle : bundle {     public configurablestylebundle(string virtualpath, csssettings csssettings) :         this(virtualpath, csssettings, null) { }      public configurablestylebundle(string virtualpath, csssettings csssettings, string cdnpath) :         base(virtualpath, cdnpath, new[] { new configurablecsstransform(csssettings) })     {         // commented out js concatenation token not sure if 1 should have 1         //base.concatenationtoken = ";";     } }  [excludefromcodecoverage] public class configurablecsstransform : ibundletransform {      private readonly csssettings _csssettings;      public configurablecsstransform(csssettings csssettings)     {         _csssettings = csssettings;     }      public void process(bundlecontext context, bundleresponse response)     {         if (context == null)         {             throw new argumentnullexception("context");         }         if (response == null)         {             throw new argumentnullexception("response");         }         if (!context.enableinstrumentation)         {             var minifier = new minifier();             var content = minifier.minifystylesheet(response.content, _csssettings);             if (minifier.errorlist.count > 0)             {                 generateerrorresponse(response, minifier.errorlist);             }             else             {                 response.content = content;             }         }         response.contenttype = "text/css";     }      internal static void generateerrorresponse(bundleresponse bundle, ienumerable<object> errors)     {         var content = new stringbuilder();         content.append("/* ");         content.append("css minifyerror").append("\r\n");         foreach (object current in errors)         {             content.append(current.tostring()).append("\r\n");         }         content.append(" */\r\n");         content.append(bundle.content);         bundle.content = content.tostring();     } } 

all of wrapped in public class bundleconfig , gets called global.asax.

i'm wondering if csscomment.important have negative effects , remove , if seems doing want to? when have tested seems correct styling wise, doesn't hurt eyes seeing useful lot of other devs use open source libraries.

i don't think you've done incorrectly. though approach using ibundlebuilder interface, keep regular comments out of production prying eyes switch user agent, specified in how prevent user-agent: eureka/1 return source code. show steps on how test against in related blog post.

public class configurablestylebuilder : ibundlebuilder {     public virtual string buildbundlecontent(bundle bundle, bundlecontext context, ienumerable<bundlefile> files)     {         var content = new stringbuilder();          foreach (var file in files)         {             fileinfo f = new fileinfo(httpcontext.current.server.mappath(file.virtualfile.virtualpath));             csssettings settings = new csssettings();             settings.commentmode = microsoft.ajax.utilities.csscomment.important;             var minifier = new microsoft.ajax.utilities.minifier();             string readfile = read(f);             string res = minifier.minifystylesheet(readfile, settings);             if (minifier.errorlist.count > 0)             {                 res = prependerrors(readfile, minifier.errorlist);                 content.insert(0, res);             }             else             {                 content.append(res);             }          }          return content.tostring();     }      private string prependerrors(string file, icollection<contexterror> errors )     {         var content = new stringbuilder();         content.append("/* ");         content.append("css minifyerror").append("\r\n");         foreach (object current in errors)         {             content.append(current.tostring()).append("\r\n");         }         content.append("minify error */\r\n");         content.append(file);         return content.tostring();     }      private string read(fileinfo file)     {         using (var r = file.opentext())         {             return r.readtoend();         }     } }  public class bundleconfig {     public static void registerbundles(bundlecollection bundles)     {                   var cssbundle = new configurablestylebundle("~/content/css");         cssbundle.include("~/content/stylesheet1.css");         cssbundle.include("~/content/stylesheet2.css");         bundles.add(cssbundle);          //etc           } } 

i made nuget package (including version scripts) -


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