Parse output to get a list in python -

this question has answer here:

[u'10.57518117688789', u'43.17174576695126', u'0 10.57512669810526', u'43.17172389657181', u'0 10.57509460784044', u'43.17169116727101', u'0'] 

i need turn list of latitudes , longitudes in order 1st last. first element being latitude , second being longitude. don't need u or '0'.

right now, i'm printing them, method needs return list of coordinates in order.

def get_coord_list_from_earth(filename):      filename = str(filename)      data = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename)      coordinates = data.getelementsbytagname('coordinates')[0].firstchild.nodevalue     coordinates = coordinates.strip()      print coordinates.split(',') 

i need output list of lists this.

[10.57518117688789, 43.17174576695126], [10.57512669810526, 43.17172389657181], [10.57509460784044, 43.17169116727101] 

this link sample file need run with

could please check this:

let me know if works you:

import xml.dom.minidom  def get_coord_list_from_earth(filename):      filename = str(filename)      data = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename)      coordinates = data.getelementsbytagname('coordinates')[0].firstchild.nodevalue     coordinates = str(coordinates.strip())      lol = list()     ls = coordinates.split(',')     group_ls in zip(ls[0::2], ls[1::2]):         f = group_ls[0].split()[-1]         s = group_ls[1].split()[-1]         # creating list of tuples, if not going mutate          # tuple must more memory efficient list.         lol.append((f,s))     return lol  print get_coord_list_from_earth('test.xml') 


[('-99.96592053692414', '35.92662037784583'), ('-99.96540056429473',    '35.92663981781373'), ('-99.96498447443297', '35.92665534578857'),   ('-99.96454642236132', '35.9264185376019')] 
