c - Reading from a text file and plotting using GNU libplot -
i've made program reads file, , alphabetically sorts names contained within file. file contains planet names, mass, size, color, primary body, positions x,y,z , velocity x,y,z. i'm trying plot each planet using file, i'm unsure how go doing that. i'm using gnu libplot plot planets. i'm thinking need use loop , fscanf
s x , y coordinates (can omit z now) plot each planet.
here's current code:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define names 20 struct planets{ //sets initial characters , doubles place body. char primarybody[names]; char name[names]; char color[names]; double mass; double size; double posx, posy, posz; double velx, vely, velz; }; struct planets body[100]; int readdata(file* fd){ //this reads file solarsystem.txt , fills array int current = 0; char line[201]; char cmpline[2] = "#"; do{ fgets(line, 200, fd); // makes sure number of bytes written dont overflow character. }while((strlen(line)<2)||(strncmp(line, cmpline, 1))==0); sscanf(line, "%s %lf %s %lf %s", body[current].name, &body[current].mass, body[current].color, &body[current].size, body[current].primarybody); fscanf(fd, "%lf %lf %lf", &body[current].posx, &body[current].posy, &body[current].posz); fscanf(fd, "%lf %lf %lf", &body[current].velx, &body[current].vely, &body[current].velz); current++; while(!feof(fd)){//runs loop until end of file met. fscanf(fd, "%s %lf %s %lf %s", body[current].name, &body[current].mass, body[current].color, &body[current].size, body[current].primarybody); fscanf(fd, "%lf %lf %lf", &body[current].posx, &body[current].posy, &body[current].posz); fscanf(fd, "%lf %lf %lf", &body[current].velx, &body[current].vely, &body[current].velz); current++; } return current; } void sortnames(int planetnames){ //traditional bubble sorting code, slight modification. struct planets temp[1]; for(int i=0; i<(planetnames);i++){ for(int j=0; j<(planetnames-1); j++){ if (strcmp(body[j].name, body[j+1].name)>0){ temp[0] = body[j]; body[j] = body[j+1]; body[j+1] = temp[0]; } } } void printbodies(int sortnames){// code print out sorted file. int planetnames = sortnames; printf("name mass color size primary body\n"); printf("_____________________________________________\n"); for(int i=0; i<(planetnames); i++){ printf("%-8s %1.4e %-6s %.2lf %s\n", body[i].name, body[i].mass, body[i].color, body[i].size, body[i].primarybody); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]){/*runs different structs, , if file not available, tell user.*/ file *fd; fd = fopen (argv[1], "r"); if(!fd){ printf("file not available, or user did not type file name.\n"); return 1; } int planetnames=readdata(fd); sortnames(planetnames); printbodies(planetnames); findmax(planetnames); return 0; }
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