java - Call of action method from iterated h:commandButton fails -

i trying implement function adds book shopping cart.

the cart bean has fields hold request parameters. session scoped.

<h:form id="addbooktocartform">     <ui:repeat var="book" value="#{search.booklist}">         <h:commandbutton value="#{messages.addtocart}"              action="#{cart.addbooktocart}">             <f:param name="bookid" value="#{book.bookid}" />         </h:commandbutton>     </ui:repeat> </h:form> 

the request view index.jsf, action method calls view cart.jsf.

the problem is: action method isn't called, not bean constructed. had @ solutions similar problems couldn't find solution pointed in right direction. @ first thought #{search.booklist} problem don't need booklist next view.

activating debugging via <ui:debug> reveals this:

java.lang.unsupportedoperationexception: not supported. @ javax.faces.component.uiviewaction.getactionlistener(

this message refers metadata @ top of index.jsf:

<f:metadata>     <f:viewparam name="genretypeid" value="#{search.genretypeid}" />     <f:viewaction action="#{search.searchbygenretypeid}" /> </f:metadata> 

the search bean booklist comes from.

update message using ajax update. show validation message.


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