jquery - Assign values to Button Randomly -

i have 1 random variable selects random numbers between 1-10. want create question in user have guess random number generated. want give user 4 options.

i have 4 distinct variables a,b,c , rand.

function generateoption() {  var rand = math.floor((math.random() * 9)+1);     var arr = [];     var n,a,b,c;     for(var i=0; i<3; i++)     {         do{             n = math.floor(math.random()*9+1);             }         while(arr.indexof(n) !== -1&&n!=rand);         arr[i] = n;     //  alert(arr[i]);      }      a=arr[0];     b=arr[1];     c=arr[2]; alert(a+" "+b+" "+c+" "+rand);   } 

i have 4 buttons

<table style="  margin: 0 auto;">    <tr>    <td><input id="nextbutton3" type="button" class="finish"></td><td></td><td><input id="nextbutton4" type="button" class="finish"></td>    </tr>    <tr>    <td><input id="nextbutton5" type="button" class="finish"></td><td></td><td><input id="nextbutton6" type="button" class="finish"></td>    </tr>    </table> 

i can assign values buttons

$(function() {         $("#nextbutton3").val(a);         $("#nextbutton4").val(b);         $("#nextbutton5").val(c);         $("#nextbutton6").val(rand);     }); 

but set correct answer stick button6 always.

how can assign value a,b,c , rand buttons randomly? please help

you assignment needs random. i'm going suggest different workflow:

function generateoptions() {   var randomvalues = [];   var currentvalue;    // first, generate 4 random values in 1-10 range   while(randomvalues.length < 4) {     currentvalue = math.floor(math.random() * 9) + 1;      // avoid duplicates     if(randomvalues.indexof(currentvalue) < 0) {       randomvalues.push(currentvalue);     }   }    // here, randomvalues has 4 values   // pick 1 "right" one:    var correctvalue = randomvalues[math.floor(math.random() * 4)];    return {     options: randomvalues,     correct: correctvalue,   }; } 

then, prepare page:

$(function() {   var setup = generateoptions();    // assign each of values button   $("#nextbutton3").val(setup.options[0]);   $("#nextbutton4").val(setup.options[1]);   $("#nextbutton5").val(setup.options[2]);   $("#nextbutton6").val(setup.options[3]);    // that's selector i've deduced markup. feel free change   $("input.finish").on("click", function() {     // need parse .val() int, since returns string     var selectedvalue = parseint($(this).val(), 10);      if(selectedvalue === setup.correct) {       alert("correct!");     } else {       alert("wrong!");     }   }); }); 

a simple working example: http://jsbin.com/moyuqaha/1/edit?html,js,output (press ctrl+enter while focused on js window reload numbers)
