Create vCard file from SQL Server -

i want create vcard sql server (v 2012) , after want send via email db_mail. create vcard file using xp_cmdshell. prepare cmd commands in 1 varchar variable , execute xp_cmdshell using variable command text. result not expect. receive first line of text in generated vcard file. when take same text , run batch file vcard file created properly.

declare @iiduser int = 1; declare @iidcontact int = 1;  declare @iresult int; declare @sexecute_vcardtext varchar(8000) = ''; declare @crlf char(2) = char(13) + char(10); declare @sfile varchar(1000) = ' >> c:\databases\_tmp_sql\pes_erp\user.vcf';  select @sexecute_vcardtext = @sexecute_vcardtext      + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'begin:vcard' + ' > c:\databases\_tmp_sql\pes_erp\user.vcf'  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'version:2.1' + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'categories:' +      + isnull(cnt.contactrole_name_en,'')       + ',' + isnull(cnt.contactrelationshiptype_name_en,'')      + ',' + isnull(cnt.visibilitytype_name_en,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'fn:' + isnull(cnt.contacttitle_name_en,'')  + @sfile      + ' ' + isnull(,'') + ' ' + isnull(cnt.surname,'')  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'n:' + isnull(cnt.surname,'')  + @sfile      + ';' + isnull(,'')      + ';' + isnull(cnt.contacttitle_name_en,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'title:' + isnull(cnt.jobtitle,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'bday:' + isnull(convert(varchar(16),cnt.birthdate,112),'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'birth:' + isnull(cnt.birthmunicipality_name,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'tel;type=work:' + isnull(cnt.business_phone,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'tel;type=work:' + isnull(cnt.business_phone2,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'tel;type=work,cell:' + isnull(cnt.business_mobile,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'tel;type=work,cell:' + isnull(cnt.business_mobile2,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'tel;type=work,fax:' + isnull(cnt.business_fax,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'adr;type=work:;;' + isnull(cnt.business_address,'') + ';' + isnull(cnt.business_city,'') + ';' + isnull(cnt.business_municipality_name,'') + ' (' + isnull(cnt.business_region_name,'') + ') ' + ';' + isnull(cnt.business_cap,'') + ';' + isnull(case when (@iidlanguage = 40001) cnt.business_country_name_en when (@iidlanguage = 40002) cnt.business_country_name_it when (@iidlanguage = 40003) cnt.business_country_name_de when (@iidlanguage = 40004) cnt.business_country_name_fr else cnt.business_country_name_en end,'') + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'email;type=internet,work,pref:' + isnull(cnt.business_email,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'email;type=internet,work:' + isnull(cnt.business_email2,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'tel;type=home:' + isnull(cnt.home_phone,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'tel;type=home,cell:' + isnull(cnt.home_mobile,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'adr;type=work:;;' + isnull(cnt.home_address,'') + ';' + isnull(cnt.home_city,'') + ';' + isnull(cnt.home_municipality_name,'') + ';' + isnull(cnt.home_cap,'') + ';;'  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'email;type=internet,home:' + isnull(cnt.home_email,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'note:' + isnull(cnt.note,'')  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'rev:' + replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar,getdate(),120),'-',''),':',''),' ','t') + 'z'  + @sfile  + @crlf + 'echo ' + 'end:vcard'  + @sfile       dbo.fun_contacts(@iiduser) cnt       (cnt.idcontact = @iidcontact);  exec @iresult = master..xp_cmdshell @sexecute_vcardtext;  select @iresult a; 

can give me clue wrong?

why echo commands?

it makes code more complicated.

here re-write creating formatted string. please check syntax.

-- declare variables declare @crlf char(2) = char(13) + char(10); declare @sqlstmt varchar(max) = '';  -- make string select @sqlstmt =      'begin:vcard' + @crlf +     'version:2.1' + @crlf +     'categories:' +          isnull(c.contactrole_name_en,'') + ',' +          isnull(c.contactrelationshiptype_name_en,'') + ',' +          isnull(c.visibilitytype_name_en,'') + @crlf +      'fn:' +          isnull(c.contacttitle_name_en,'') +  ' ' +          isnull(,'') + ' ' + isnull(c.surname,'') + @crlf +      'n:' +          isnull(c.surname,'') + ';' +          isnull(,'') + ';' +          isnull(c.contacttitle_name_en,'')  + @crlf +      'title:' + isnull(c.jobtitle,'')  + @crlf +      'bday:' + isnull(convert(varchar(16),c.birthdate,112),'')  + @crlf +      'birth:' + isnull(c.birthmunicipality_name,'')  + @crlf +      'tel;type=work:' + isnull(c.business_phone,'')  + @crlf +      'tel;type=work:' + isnull(c.business_phone2,'')  + @crlf +      'tel;type=work,cell:' + isnull(c.business_mobile,'')  + @crlf +      'tel;type=work,cell:' + isnull(c.business_mobile2,'')  + @crlf +      'tel;type=work,fax:' + isnull(c.business_fax,'')  + @crlf +      'adr;type=work:;;' +          isnull(c.business_address,'') + ';' +          isnull(c.business_city,'') + ';' +          isnull(c.business_municipality_name,'') +          ' (' + isnull(c.business_region_name,'') + ') ' + ';' +          isnull(c.business_cap,'') + ';' +          isnull         (             case                  when (@iidlanguage = 40001) c.business_country_name_en                  when (@iidlanguage = 40002) c.business_country_name_it                  when (@iidlanguage = 40003) c.business_country_name_de                  when (@iidlanguage = 40004) c.business_country_name_fr                  else c.business_country_name_en end,'')         ) + @crlf +      'email;type=internet,work,pref:' + isnull(c.business_email,'')  + @crlf +      'email;type=internet,work:' + isnull(c.business_email2,'')  + @crlf +      'tel;type=home:' + isnull(c.home_phone,'')  + @crlf +      'tel;type=home,cell:' + isnull(c.home_mobile,'')  + @crlf +      'adr;type=work:;;' +          isnull(c.home_address,'') + ';' +          isnull(c.home_city,'') + ';' +          isnull(c.home_municipality_name,'') + ';' +          isnull(c.home_cap,'') + ';;'  + @crlf +      'email;type=internet,home:' + isnull(c.home_email,'')  + @crlf +      'note:' + isnull(c.note,'')  + @crlf +      'rev:' +           replace(replace(replace(convert(varchar,getdate(),120),'-',''),':',''),' ','t') +           'z'  + @crlf +      'end:vcard'  + @crlf      dbo.fun_contacts(@iiduser) c       (c.idcontact = @iidcontact); 

i purposely did not string yet since want cover design decisions.

1 - command prompt has limit of under 8k (8192 characters).

this issue. echo's , destinations exceeding limit.

works batch file not sql server.

2 - if think going exceed limit, there couple of solutions.

a - break commands separate calls. use guid or such guarantee file uniqueness. if need file output.

b - if emailing file, why not use @attach_query_result_as_file option? option turns output query attachment.

like in life, fix on issue , create another. think default file attachment size 1 mb. have increase value if file attachment exceeds limit.

c - this can done in ssis instead of straight t-sql. both work. ssis more flexible when solving complex problems.

good luck task.
