matlab - Get the indices along each dimension of a 3D matrix -
is there neater way indices along each dimension of 3d matrix? solution, don't repeating , taking 3 lines.
rows = 1:size(vol,1); cols = 1:size(vol,2); slices = 1:size(vol,3);
you have various options, it's not simpler have.
% example volumen vol = flow(10); % option 1 [rows cols slices] = deal( 1:size(vol,1), 1:size(vol,2), 1:size(vol,2) ) % option 2 indexvectors = cellfun( @(x) 1:size(vol,x), num2cell(1:3), 'uni',0 ) % option 3 indexvectors = arrayfun( @(x) {1:size(vol,x)}, 1:3) indexvectors = arrayfun( @(x) {1:x}, size(vol) )
the first returns 3 single vectors , latter 2 options return cell array vector each dimension in each cell.
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