c - Can you increase text limit of program output? -

im running program,in codeblocks,that associates numbers in arrays , finds mean average. have 25 samples , copy output , put word print it.however, output window cuts off samples 1-11 , shows 12-25. added getch() can copy , paste need, wondering if there way increase output text limit. thanks. code below if helps understand

int main() {     int x,high=1,low=0;      (x=0;x<25;x++)     {         calcpercent(low,high);         high++;         low++;         getch();     }  return 0; }  void calcpercent(int low,int high) {     int x,y;     float valid,mean,total=0;  (x = low ;x < high;x++) {     ( y = 0; y < 20; y++ )      float percent[500]     int sample[25][20]      //this top part of function 

why not write output text file? you're using printf anyway , call fprintf has same syntax (except give file handle first parameter. link has short example on how write file: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/fprintf/


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