single sign on - Using Reverse Proxy with IIS / ARR / URLRewrite with Office 365 authentication layer to access internal applications -

i have been able create asp mvc application authenticates using office 365 sso.

i looking way have office 365 sso layer before accessing internal applications (apache) have on network.

we have setup reverse proxy arr / url rewrite discussed in document:

the issue having url-rewrite happening high execution stack , bypassing modules.

i looking guidance on how implement office 365 authentication layer on iis internal non applications sits behind firewall.

any ideas?

i have experience arr , wif. had become familiar how iis 7.5 handles native vs. managed code. assuming running app pool in integrated mode otherwise rest of won't applicable.

it's hard know due not knowing details on issue have configuration issue related managed vs. native/unmanaged code. arr native http module. used in conjunction urlrewrite http module allow content served end web server.

by default iis not run managed http modules requests processed native handler, such arr. configure iis run managed module content processed native handler, such wif or other managed .net code, must configure iis run managed code regardless of handler. simplest way set runallmanagedmodulesforallrequests="true" in system.webserver\modules element. can selectively enable individual modules run setting precondition "" override default iis behavior:

  <system.webserver> <modules runallmanagedmodulesforallrequests="true">   <add name="wsfederationauthenticationmodule" type="microsoft.identitymodel.web.wsfederationauthenticationmodule, microsoft.identitymodel, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35" precondition="" />   <add name="sessionauthenticationmodule" type="microsoft.identitymodel.web.sessionauthenticationmodule, microsoft.identitymodel, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35" precondition="" /> </modules> 



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