c++ - Using boost::thread to start/stop logging data (2nd update) -

i'm trying log real-time data using boost::thread , check box. when check box, logging thread starts. when uncheck, logging thread stops. problem arises when check/uncheck repeatedly , fast (program crashes, files aren't logged, etc.). how can write reliable thread-safe program these problems don't occur when repeatedly , checking/unchecking? don't want use join() since temporarily stops data input coming main thread. in secondary thread, i'm opening log file, reading socket buffer, copying buffer, , writing buffer log file. i'm thinking maybe should use mutex locks reading/writing. if so, specific locks should use? below code snippet:

//main thread  if(m_loggingcheckbox->ischecked()) {  ...  if(m_threadlogdata.initializereadthread(socketinfo))//opens socket.  //if socket opened , can read, start thread.  m_threadlogdata.startreadthread();  else  std::cout << "did not initialize thread\n";  }  else if(!m_loggingcheckbox->ischecked())  {  m_threadlogdata.stopreadthread();  }  void threadlogdata::startreadthread()  {  //std::cout << "thread started." << std::endl;  m_stoplogthread = false;  m_threadsenddata = boost::thread(&threadlogdata::logdata,this);  }  void threadlogdata::stopreadthread()  {  m_stoplogthread = true;  m_readdatasocket.close_socket(); // close socket  if(ofstreamlogfile.is_open())  {  ofstreamlogfile.flush(); //flush log file before closing it.  ofstreamlogfile.close(); // close log file  }  m_threadsenddata.interrupt(); // interrupt thread  //m_threadsenddata.join(); // join thread. commented out since  temporarily stops data input.  }  //secondary thread  bool threadlogdata::logdata()  {  unsigned short int buffer[1024];  bool bufferflag;  unsigned int isizeofbuffer = 1024;  int isizeofbufferread = 0;  int ltimeout = 5;  if(!ofstreamlogfile.is_open())  {  ofstreamlogfile.open(directory_string().c_str(), ios::out);  if(!ofstreamlogfile.is_open())  {  return 0;  }  }  while(!m_stoplogthread)  {  try {  int ret = m_readdatasocket.read_sock(&m_msgbuffer.m_buffer  [0],isizeofbuffer,ltimeout,&isizeofbufferread);  memcpy(&buffer[0],m_msgbuffer.m_buffer,isizeofbufferread);  bufferflag = m_buffer.setbuffer(buffer);  if(!bufferflag) return false;  object = &m_buffer;  unsigned int data = object->getdata();  ofstreamlogfile << data << std::endl;  boost::this_thread::interruption_point();  } catch (boost::thread_interrupted& interruption) {  std::cout << "threadlogdata::logdata(): caught interruption thread." << std::endl;  stopreadthread();  } catch (...) {  std::cout << "threadlogdata::logdata(): caught something." << std::endl;  stopreadthread();  }  } // end while()   } 

i use boost asio async stuff

#include <iostream> #include <fstream>  #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include <boost/asio/signal_set.hpp> #include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/optional.hpp>  #include <thread>  using boost::asio::ip::tcp; namespace asio = boost::asio;  struct program {     asio::io_service       _ioservice;     asio::deadline_timer   _timer;     asio::signal_set       _signals;     std::array<char, 1024> _buffer;     tcp::socket            _client;     tcp::resolver          _resolver;     std::ofstream          _logfile;     std::thread            _thread;      program()          : _timer(_ioservice),         _signals(_ioservice),         _client(_ioservice),         _resolver(_ioservice)     {         do_connect(_resolver.resolve({ "localhost", "6767" }));         do_toggle_logging_cycle();          _signals.add(sigint);         _signals.async_wait([this](boost::system::error_code ec, int) { if (!ec) close(); });          _thread = std::thread(boost::bind(&asio::io_service::run, boost::ref(_ioservice)));     }      ~program()     {         if (_thread.joinable())             _thread.join();     }      void close() {         _ioservice.post([this]() {              _signals.cancel();             _timer.cancel();             _client.close();          });     }  private:    void do_toggle_logging_cycle(boost::system::error_code ec = {})   {       if (ec != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)       {           if (_logfile.is_open())           {               _logfile.close();               _logfile.clear();           } else           {               _logfile.open("/tmp/output.log");           }            _timer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(2));           _timer.async_wait(boost::bind(&program::do_toggle_logging_cycle, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error()));       } else        {           std::cerr << "\ndone, goobye\n";       }   }    void do_connect(tcp::resolver::iterator endpoint_iterator) {        boost::asio::async_connect(           _client, endpoint_iterator,           [this](boost::system::error_code ec, tcp::resolver::iterator) {                 if (!ec) do_read();                 else     close();           });   }    void do_read() {     boost::asio::async_read(         _client, asio::buffer(_buffer.data(), _buffer.size()),         [this](boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t length) {             if (!ec) {               if (_logfile.is_open())               {                     _logfile.write(_buffer.data(), length);               }               do_read();             } else {                 close();             }     });   }  };  int main() {     {         program p; // socket reading , (optional) logging on separate thread          std::cout << "\nmain thread going sleep 15 seconds...\n";         std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(15));          p.close(); // if user doesn't press ^c, let's take initiative         std::cout << "\ndestruction of program...\n";     }     std::cout << "\nmain thread ends\n"; }; 

the program connects port 6767 of localhost , asynchronously reads data it.

if logging active (_logfile.is_open()), received data written /tmp/output.log.


  • the reading/writing on separate thread, operations serialized using _ioservice (see e.g. post in close())
  • the user can abort the socket reading loop ctrl+c
  • every 2 seconds, logging (de)activated (see do_toggle_logging_cycle)

the main thread sleeps 15 seconds before canceling program (similar user pressing ctrl-c).


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