java - Control output file of a script -

in continuation this question.

i need in making tabletocsv (function converts .html table csv), render code database, rather .csv. created bufferedreader, converts .csv database, can't 2 connect. please make output file of tabletocsv go bufferedreader.


 * []  *  * summary: extracts rows in csv tables csv form. extracts data tables in input. output in xxx.csv.  *  * copyright: (c) 2011-2014 roedy green, canadian mind products,  *  * licence: software may copied , used freely purpose military.  *  *  * requires: jdk 1.6+  *  * created with: jetbrains intellij idea ide  *  * version history:  *  1.0 2011-01-23 initial version.  *  1.1 2011-01-25 allow specify encoding  */ package com.mindprod.csv;  import com.mindprod.common11.misc; import com.mindprod.entities.deentifystrings; import com.mindprod.hunkio.hunkio;  import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.charset;  import static java.lang.system.err; import static java.lang.system.out;  /**  * extracts rows in csv tables csv form. extracts data tables in input. output in xxx.csv.  * <p/>  * use: java.exe com.mindprod.tabletocsv xxxx.html  * strips tags , converts entities utf-8 characters.  *  * @author roedy green, canadian mind products  * @version 1.1 2011-01-25 allow specify encoding  * @since 2011-01-23  */ public final class tabletocsv  { // ------------------------------ constants ------------------------------  /**  * how use command line  */ private static final string usage = "tabletocsv needs name of html file on commandline, " +                                     "nothing else. output in xxx.csv.";  // -------------------------- public instance  methods --------------------------  /**  * constructor convert html table csv. strips out entities , tags.  *  * @param file          csv file packed remove excess space , quotes.  * @param separatorchar field separator character, ',' in north america,  *                      ';' in europe , '\t'  *                      tab output file.  tab input file.  *                      note 'char' not "string".  * @param quotechar     character used quote fields containing awkward chars.  * @param commentchar   character treat comments.  * @param encoding      encoding of input , output file.  *  * @throws if problems reading/writing file  */ @suppresswarnings({ "weakeraccess" }) public tabletocsv( final file file, final char separatorchar, final char quotechar, final char commentchar,                    final charset encoding ) throws ioexception     {     string outfilename = misc.getcanorabspath( file );     outfilename = outfilename.substring( 0, outfilename.length() - 5 ) + ".csv";     final file outfile = new file( outfilename );     // writer, quotelevel, separatorchar, quotechar, commentchar, trim     final printwriter pw = new printwriter( new outputstreamwriter( new bufferedoutputstream( new fileoutputstream(             outfile ), 32768 ), encoding ) );     final csvwriter w = new csvwriter( pw, 0 /* minimal  */, separatorchar, quotechar, commentchar, true );     // read entire html file ram.     string big = hunkio.readentirefile( file, encoding );     int = 0;     // our parser forgiving, works if </td> </tr> missing.     while ( true )         {         // find <tr         final int trstart = big.indexof( "<tr", );         if ( trstart < 0 )             {             break;             }         = trstart + 3;         final int trend = big.indexof( '>', );         if ( trend < 0 )             {             break;             }         while ( true )             {             // search <td>...</td>             final int tdstart = big.indexof( "<td", );             if ( tdstart < 0 )                 {                 break;                 }             = tdstart + 3;             final int tdend = big.indexof( '>', );             if ( tdend < 0 )                 {                 break;                 }             = tdend + 1;             final int startfield = tdend + 1;             final int slashtdstart = big.indexof( "</td", );             final int lookaheadtd = big.indexof( "<td", );             final int lookaheadslashtr = big.indexof( "</tr", );             final int lookaheadtr = big.indexof( "<tr", );             int endfield = integer.max_value;             if ( slashtdstart >= 0 && slashtdstart < endfield )                 {                 endfield = slashtdstart;                 }             if ( lookaheadtd >= 0 && lookaheadtd < endfield )                 {                 endfield = lookaheadtd;                 }             if ( lookaheadslashtr >= 0 && lookaheadslashtr < endfield )                 {                 endfield = lookaheadslashtr;                 }             if ( lookaheadtr >= 0 && lookaheadtr < endfield )                 {                 endfield = lookaheadtr;                 }             if ( endfield == integer.max_value )                 {                 break;                 }             = endfield + 3;             final int slashtdend = big.indexof( '>', );             if ( slashtdend < 0 )                 {                 break;                 }             string field = big.substring( startfield, endfield );             field = deentifystrings.flattenhtml( field, ' ' );             w.put( field );             = slashtdend + 1;             final int looktd = big.indexof( "<td", );             final int looktr = big.indexof( "<tr", );             if ( looktr >= 0 && looktr < looktd || looktd < 0 )                 {                 break;                 }             };         }     out.println( w.getlinecount() + " rows extracted table csv" );     w.close();     }  // --------------------------- main() method ---------------------------  /**  * simple command line interface tabletocsv. converts 1  html file csv file, extracting tables,  * entities stripped.  * must have extension .html <br> use java com.mindprod.tabletocsv somefile.html .  can use tabletocsv  * constructor  * in own programs.  *  * @param args name of csv file remove excess quotes , space  */ public static void main( string[] args )     {     if ( args.length != 1 )         {         throw new illegalargumentexception( usage );         }     string filename = args[ 0 ];     if ( !filename.endswith( ".html" ) )         {         throw new illegalargumentexception( "bad extension. input must .html file.\n" + usage );         }     final file file = new file( filename );      try         {         // file, separatorchar, quotechar, commentchar, encoding         new tabletocsv( file, ',', '\"', '#', csv.utf8charset );         }     catch ( ioexception e )         {         err.println();         e.printstacktrace( err );         err.println( "csvtotable failed export" + misc.getcanorabspath( file ) );         err.println();         }     }// end main } 

and here bufferedreader

bufferedreader br=new bufferedreader(new filereader(newfile));         string line;          while((line=br.readline())!=null)         {             string[]value = line.split(",");             string sql = "insert main ( , ticket #, status, priority, department, account name) "              + "values ('"+value[0]+"','"+value[1]+"','"+value[2]+"','"+value[3]+"','"+value[4]+"','"+value[5]+"')";               preparedstatement pst = databaseconnection.connectdb().preparestatement(sql);              pst.executeupdate();          }         br.close();         }         catch(exception e)        {         joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, e);        }      }  } }); 

did test database codes? work? (hint: sql statement wrong). auto-commit on? if not, aren't suppose close() statement/connection?

i factor code , move sql statement out , creation of prepared statement out side of loop:

string sql = "insert main(\"ticket #\", \"status\", \"priority\", \"department\", \"account name\") values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?); preparedstatement pst = databaseconnection.connectdb().preparestatement(sql); 

then inside while loop set the object before execute.

pst.setstring(1, value[0]); pst.setstring(2, value[1]); //... 

and finally, don't forget close() statement / connection too!

pst.close(); databaseconnection.connectdb().close(); ??? 


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