r - Adjusting the "margin" space for axis text in ggplot2 -

which property, if any, in ggplot controls
width (or amount of blank space) of axis text?

in example below, ultimate goal "push in" left-hand side of top graph lines bottom graph.

i tried theme(plot.margin=..) affects margin of entire plot.
facet'ing doesn't either, since scales on y different.

as last resort, realize modify axis text itself, need calculate cuts each graph.

enter image description here

reproducible example:

library(ggplot2) library(scales)  d <- data.frame(x=letters[1:5],  y1=1:5, y2=1:5 * 10^6)  p.base <- ggplot(data=d, aes(x=x)) +              scale_y_continuous(labels=comma)  plots <- list(     short = p.base + geom_bar(aes(y=y1), stat="identity", width=.5)   , long  = p.base + geom_bar(aes(y=y2), stat="identity", width=.5)    )  do.call(grid.arrange, c(plots, ncol=1, main="sample plots")) 

here 1 solution.

the idea borrowed "having horizontal instead of vertical labels on 2x1 facets , splitting y-label define function

align_plots1 <- function (...) {     pl <- list(...)     stopifnot(do.call(all, lapply(pl, inherits, "gg")))     gl <- lapply(pl, ggplotgrob)     bind2 <- function(x, y) gtable:::rbind_gtable(x, y, "first")     combined <- reduce(bind2, gl[-1], gl[[1]])     wl <- lapply(gl, "[[", "widths")     combined$widths <- do.call(grid::unit.pmax, wl)     grid::grid.newpage()     grid::grid.draw(combined) }  short <- p.base + geom_bar(aes(y=y1), stat="identity", width=.5) long <- p.base + geom_bar(aes(y=y2), stat="identity", width=.5)   #now, align plots align_plots1(short, long) 

here output.

enter image description here


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