- Custom Error Page for 'Illegal Characters in path' -

the custom error page set in web.config not displayed when error of "illegal characters in path" raised. work other server errors, i'm not sure if there can do?

example request correctly shows custom error page:

example request not:

web.config: <customerrors mode="on" defaultredirect="errordisplay.aspx"></customerrors>

stacktrace (customerrors off)

[argumentexception: illegal characters in path.][] str) +276 access, string[] pathlistorig, boolean checkforduplicates, boolean needfullpath, boolean copypathlist) +88 access, string[] pathlist, boolean checkforduplicates, boolean needfullpath) +43 path) +82    system.web.httpapplication.checksuspiciousphysicalpath(string physicalpath) +19    system.web.configuration.httpconfigurationsystem.composeconfig(string reqpath, ihttpmappath configmap) +175    system.web.httpcontext.getcompleteconfigrecord(string reqpath, ihttpmappath configmap) +434    system.web.httpcontext.getcompleteconfig() +49    system.web.httpcontext.getconfig(string name) +195    system.web.customerrors.getsettings(httpcontext context, boolean canthrow) +20    system.web.httpresponse.reportruntimeerror(exception e, boolean canthrow) +39    system.web.httpruntime.finishrequest(httpworkerrequest wr, httpcontext context, exception e) +486 

i tried manually catch error in global.asax application_error handler, never gets called. application_beginrequest doesn't called when there illegal characters, iis throwing error , there way me display custom page?

according this article may out of luck.

as stack trace shows , observed in application_beginrequest not getting called, error occurs in iis's request handling before application code gets called - answer first question: therefore, web.config , application_error implementation not considered.

a related discussion on forums indicates too.

on local iis (7.5) server, back...

bad request - invalid url

http error 400. request url invalid.

...for url http://localhost/%&what.

curious, tried setting static custom error page http status code 400 under local server's error pages in iis manager, configuring local server use custom error pages local , remote requests; never saw custom error page set particular error.

a technet article explains why:

you cannot customize following http errors: 400, 403.9, 411, 414, 500, 500.11, 500.14, 500.15, 501, 503, , 505.

so think answer second question is, no, iis not provide way display custom error page this.


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