c++ file search database file and cout next line -

i have 2 codes here, first 1 here prompts number, tells on line number in text file "example.txt"

#include <string> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <fstream>  using namespace std;  int main() {     string s;     vector <string> v;     ifstream fileinput;     int qwe = 0;     fileinput.open("example.txt");     while (getline( fileinput, s ))     {         v.push_back( s );     }     cout << "number: " << endl;     cin >> qwe;     cout << "line " << qwe << ": " << v[ qwe ] << endl;     fileinput.close(); } 

and second code here prompts user input adds "?" @ beginning because it's algorithm in future, used then. searches in text file , gives user line number of user inputted

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <sstream> #include <string>  using namespace std;  int main() {     ifstream fileinput;     int offset;     string line;     string search;      cout << "hi" << endl;     getline(cin, search);     search = "?" + search; // open file search     fileinput.open("example.txt");     if(fileinput.is_open())     {         while(getline(fileinput, line))         {             for(unsigned int curline = 2; getline(fileinput, line); curline++)             {                 if (line.find(search) != string::npos)                 {                      cout << "found: " << search << " line: " << curline << endl;                 }             }         }         fileinput.close();     }     else cout << "unable open file."; } 

so problem need sort of combine these codes, need prompts user input , figures out line number, , couts next line, how do this?

like do:

#include <fstream> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream>  int main() {     std::string input;      std::cout<<"enter line search for: \n";     std::getline(std::cin, input);      std::fstream file("example.txt", std::ios::in);      if (file.is_open())     {         std::string line;         int line_count = 0;          while(std::getline(file, line))         {             if (line.find(input) != std::string::npos)             {                 std::cout<<"the line found was: \""<<line<<"\" @ line: "<<line_count<<"\n";                  if (std::getline(file, line))                 {                     std::cout<<"the line after is: \""<<line<<"\"\n";                     ++line_count;                 }                 else                 {                     std::cout<<"there no lines after that!\n";                 }             }             ++line_count;         }          file.close();     } } 

with example file of:

hello world testing finding lines 

you can search "hello" , return line 0 aka first line..

however, if turn on find_approximate_line , searched "hey world", still return line 0 because of hammingdistance algorithm.

if don't care partial/close matches can remove hammingdistance algorithm , keep using std::string.find.

one example output is:

enter line search for: > hello world  line found was: "hello world" @ line: 0 line after is: "i testing" 


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