mvc 4 - Populate ComboBox MVC4 Entity Framework Database -

i trying populate combobox database. using mvc4 , entity framework. way code sits, combobox filled nova.models.clients. want actual company name filled in.

here model:

public class clients {     [key]     public int clientid { get; set; }     public string companyname { get; set; }     public string firstname { get; set; }     public string lastname { get; set; }     public string phone { get; set; }     public string email { get; set; }     public string address { get; set; }     public string city { get; set; }     public string state { get; set; }     public string zip { get; set; }     public icollection<estimates> estimates { get; set; }     public icollection<contracts> contracts { get; set; } } 

here controller:

public actionresult editclients()     {         return view();     } 

here view:

@using nova.models @model nova.models.clients @{     var context = new novadb();     var clients = context.clients.orderby((x => x.companyname)); }  div class="control-group">    @html.labelfor(x => x.companyname, new { @class = "control-label" })    <div class="controls">        @html.dropdownlistfor(x => x.companyname, new selectlist(clients), new { @class = "input-xlarge" })   </div> </div> 

with being first real mvc project, haven't run across before. after speaking buddy bit confused. gathered should put data access in controller , not view, regardless, should still work.

any appreciated.

i recommend using separate view model (not same domain model, , not same entity framework poco object). creates separation of concerns. said, can have following on view model:

public class clientviewmodel {     public int clientid { get; set; }     public string companyname { get; set; }     public ienumerable<string> companynames { get; set; }     // other properties here, include needed view } 

your controller populate list of possible company names companynames property on view model (along copying other needed view model properties domain model view model), , list used possible values dropdown. companyname property used store selected value.

and dropdown in view:

@html.dropdownlistfor(x => x.companyname,                        new selectlist(model.companynames),                        new { @class = "input-xlarge" }); 

like said, make sure data access in controller (if not separate service layer).
