javascript - Separate instance of angular factory/service -
i have factory function has data , functions manipulate it. data used several times in application, @ points data on page , opened in modal- manipulating data in modal changes data in background page. 'angular way' create separate instances of data?
the factory:
factory('filterfactory', [function () { return { getgroups: function(term){ // todo: terms groups $http if(term){ // terms } else { return this.terms; } }, addgroup: function(group){ (var term in this.terms) { if(this.terms[term].name === group){ this.terms[term].included = true; } } }, removegroup: function(group){ (var term in this.terms) { if(this.terms[term].name === group){ this.terms[term].included = false; } } }, selectgroup : function(group){ (var term in this.terms) { if(this.terms[term].name === group){ this.terms[term].included = true; } else { this.terms[term].included = false; } } }, setall : function(value){ (var term in this.terms) { this.terms[term].included = value; } }, iscollapsed: true, terms: { people: { included: false, name: 'person', }, organizations: { included: false, name: 'organization', }, ... } };
attempted implementations:
$scope.newtermmeta.type = filterfactory; var temp = filterfactory; $scope.newtermmeta.type = temp.terms; $scope.newtermmeta.type = filterfactory.getgroups(); var temp = filterfactory; $scope.newtermmeta.type = temp.terms; $scope.newtermmeta.type = object.create(filterfactory.getgroups());
note: none of above implementations created isolated instance.
template code:
<div class="modal-body"> <form> <label> <h2>{{}}</h2> </label> <br> <span>add term relevant term groups:</span> <br> <div class="well well-sm col-sm-8"> <button ng-repeat="group in newtermmeta.type" btn-checkbox class="btn btn-sm btn-default margin5" type="button" ng-model="group.included">{{}}</button> </div> <br> <span>optional:</span> <br> <label> enter concise (at 1 sentence) definition term:</label> <input class="form-control width80p" type="text" ng-model="newtermmeta.definition"> </form> </div>
the factory object shared instance, change in factory object going change using it.
factory right thing do, sounds want encapsulate in different scope. easy angular since controllers own scope , directives have option of having own scopes well. assuming showing in controller this:
myapp.controller('otherctrl', [ 'myfactory', '$scope', function(myfactory,$scope) { // create defensive copy of factory object creating new object wrapped object prototype chain, can access data changing properties change on $scope.theobject directly $scope.theobject = object.create(myfactory.gettheobject()); // alternatively, copy relevant properties our scope, it's protected won't updated when factory object changes unless specify $watch statement var obj = myfactory.gettheobject(); $ =; }]);
updated: caveat
one caveat when using object.create() defensive copy mechanism json stringify properties modify. not work if intend modify property submit entire object server. work great read-only properties, or serializing modified properties however. , angular update values of non-modified properties without $watch since can still detect changes via prototype chain.
a fiddle demonstrating difference between json.stringify , prototype chain values here
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