sqlite - android insists i don't have a column in my database table -

i can't figure out strange error while try insert value database


01-01 15:48:56.065  10056-10056/com.autophone e/sqlitelog﹕ (1) table maintable has no column named status_date 01-01 15:48:56.100  10056-10056/com.autophone e/sqlitedatabase﹕ error inserting status_date=1 בינו 2000 15:48:56 problem=non model=n9005 phone_number=123 in_date=1 בינו 2000 15:48:56 status=received name=ian     android.database.sqlite.sqliteexception: table maintable has no column named status_date (code 1): , while compiling: insert maintable(status_date,problem,model,phone_number,in_date,status,name) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) 

the main point says don't have "status_date" in main table how possible?

  public static final string key_rowid = "_id";     public static final int col_rowid = 0;      private static final string key_name = "name";//1     private static final string key_model = "model";//2     private static final string key_phone_number = "phone_number";//3     private static final string key_problem = "problem";//4     private static final string key_status = "status";//5     private static final string key_in_date = "in_date";//6     private static final string key_status_date = "status_date";//7      public static final string database_name = "mydb";     public static final string database_table = "maintable";     public static final int database_version = 1;      private static final string database_create_sql =             "create table " + database_table                     + " (" + key_rowid + " integer primary key autoincrement, "                     + key_name + " text not null, "                     + key_model + " text not null, "                     + key_phone_number + " text not null, "                     + key_problem + "text not null, "                     + key_status + "text not null, "                     + key_in_date + "text not null, "                     + key_status_date + "text not null "                     +");"; 

here is...

this enter part

 long newid=mydb.insertrow(new logentery("ian","n9005","123","non")); 

logentery class use adds rest data

public logentery(string name,string model,string phone_number,string problem)     {         super();         this.name=name;         this.model=model;         this.phone_number=phone_number;         this.problem=problem;         this.in_date = dateformat.getdatetimeinstance().format(new date());         this.status_date = dateformat.getdatetimeinstance().format(new date());         this.status = "received";     } 

by way... how change getdatetimeinstance dd/mm/yyyy , not full data/time?

a common source of error database version.

if ran app @ least once without key_status_date field in table, , added field , ran app, table won't updated (onupgrade() not called), because system thinks database hasn't changed.

try raising version.

public static final int database_version = 2;  

with this, system think "oh, there's new version of database, let's call onupgrade()". ideally method, delete tables call oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) manually, or execute ddl statements add missing field.


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