Rails 4 form - no implicit conversion of Model into String -

after adding helper method , edit form, i'm getting error

typeerror in posts#create  showing /users/jim/project/test/app/views/posts/_form.html.erb line #2 raised:  no implicit conversion of question string  extracted source (around line #2):  1 2      <%= show_random(@question)[:title] %> 3  app/helpers/questions_helper.rb:4:in `show_random' app/views/posts/_form.html.erb:2:in `_app_views_posts__form_html_erb___4147312638633006209_2202637820' app/views/posts/new.html.erb:3:in `_app_views_posts_new_html_erb___3518261482060642021_2203102520' app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:33:in `create'  request  parameters:  {"utf8"=>"✓",  "authenticity_token"=>"mk1wibkc8mqxskptvbgjwabnaaz7khm7rdvc8zyrmnc=",  "post"=>{"question_id"=>"1",  "content"=>""},  "commit"=>"create post"} 

but error won't appear if validations of post model met. i'm guessing (not sure) there's wrong if else statement in create action of posts controller don't know how fix it.


module questionshelper      def show_random(random)         json.parse(random).with_indifferent_access     end  end 


<%= show_random(@question)[:title] %>  <%= form_for(@post) |f| %>    <%= render 'shared/error_messages', object: f.object %>    <div>     <%= f.hidden_field :question_id, :value => show_random(@question)[:id] %><br>   </div>     <div>     <%= f.label :content %><br>     <%= f.text_area :content %>   </div>    <div>     <%= f.submit %>   </div> <% end %> 


       def new          @post = post.new          @question = cookies[:question] ||= question.random  # random method return random question serialized record using to_json        end         def create           @post = current_user.posts.build(post_params)            if @post.save              flash[:success] = "post created successfully!"            else              @question = question.where(id: params[:post][:question_id]).first            render 'new'         end 

i have found problem @sissy comment.

i should pass @question = cookies[:question] instead of @question = question.where(id: params[:post][:question_id]).first in create action of posts controller

thanks help.
