java - Accepting multiple inputs loop -

i've written program in java series of calculations, payroll program 4 different types of employees. i'm having issue trying make not exit after input completed.

for example: user asked how many employees in company. there should start asking employee #1's type (manager, hourly, etc...) keep asking until total employees met, example 4. after each input it's okay employee's name , information output.

here's have far, complete, working program. thing left part described above.

any resources me work out solution more valuable rewriting code.


import java.util.scanner; import java.text.decimalformat;  public class payrollswitch {     public static void main(string[] args) {          // first input group         int employeetype;               // 1-4 (manager, hourly, commissioned, pieceworker)         int compsize;                   // company size (4 - 10)         int hourswrkd;                  // whole number, no partial hours.         string employeename;            // name of employee          // pay each worker type         double ratemanagerwrkr = 800.00;// fixed weekly salary         double managerbonus = 750.00;   // $750.00 bonus manager         double ratehourwrkr;            // hourly + overtime > 40 = 1.5 time hourly rate         double hourovertime = 1.5;      // if hourswrkd > 40         double hourovertimestore;       // stores value         double ratecommwrkr = 650.00;   // fixed weekly salary         double commbonus = 250.00;      // $250.00 bonus commissioned worker          double commwklysal;             // 5.7% time weekly salary (650.00 * 5.7)          double ratepiecewrkr = 400.00;  // fixed weekly salary          // deductions         double medicaldues = 20.00;     // $20.00 per pay period         double fedtax = 0.30;           // 30% of gross         double socialsec = 0.05;        // 5% of gross         double deductdues;         double fedtaxfinal;         double socialsecfinal;          // totals         double managergross;         double managernet;         double hourgross;         double hournet;         double commgross;         double commnet;         double piecegross;         double piecenet;          // convert decimals match ####.## place ($9999.99)         decimalformat df = new decimalformat("####.##");          string employeetitle;          scanner input = new scanner(;          system.out.print("enter employee paycode (1-4): ");         employeetype = input.nextint();          switch (employeetype)         {             case 1:             {                 employeetitle = "manager";                 system.out.println("you selected manager!");                 system.out.print("what's name? :");                 employeename =;                  system.out.print("enter amount of hours worked week: ");                 hourswrkd = input.nextint();                  system.out.println("name: "             + employeename);                 system.out.println("title: "            + employeetitle);                 system.out.println("type: "             + employeetype);                 system.out.println("hours worked: "     + hourswrkd);                  managergross = ratemanagerwrkr + managerbonus;                 system.out.println("gross pay: $"        + df.format(managergross));                 system.out.println("federal tax: $"      + df.format(managergross * fedtax));                 system.out.println("social security: $"  + df.format(managergross * socialsec));                 system.out.println("medical: $"          + df.format(medicaldues));                  fedtaxfinal = managergross * fedtax;                 socialsecfinal = managergross * socialsec;                 deductdues = (fedtaxfinal + socialsecfinal + medicaldues);                 managernet = (managergross - deductdues);                 system.out.println("net pay: $"          + df.format(managernet));             }             break;             case 2:             {                 employeetitle = "hourly";                 system.out.println("you selected hourly!");                 system.out.print("what's name? :");                 employeename =;                  system.out.print("enter amount of hours worked week: ");                 hourswrkd = input.nextint();                 system.out.print("enter hourly rate: $");                 ratehourwrkr = input.nextdouble();                  hourgross = ratehourwrkr * hourswrkd;                  system.out.println("name: "             + employeename);                 system.out.println("title: "            + employeetitle);                 system.out.println("type: "             + employeetype);                 // begin checking hours worked                 if (hourswrkd > 40)                 {                     hourovertimestore = (hourswrkd - 40) * ratehourwrkr * hourovertime;                     system.out.println("hours worked: "     + hourswrkd);                     system.out.println("overtime hours: " + (hourswrkd - 40));                     system.out.println("gross pay: $"        + df.format(hourgross + hourovertimestore));                     system.out.println("federal tax: $"      + df.format(hourgross * fedtax));                     system.out.println("social security: $"  + df.format(hourgross * socialsec));                     system.out.println("medical: $"          + df.format(medicaldues));                     fedtaxfinal = hourgross * fedtax;                     socialsecfinal = hourgross * socialsec;                     deductdues = (fedtaxfinal + socialsecfinal + medicaldues);                     hournet = (hourgross - deductdues);                      system.out.println("net pay: $"          + df.format(hournet));                 }                 else                 {                     hourgross = hourswrkd * ratehourwrkr;                     hourovertimestore = 0;                     system.out.println("hours worked: "     + hourswrkd);                      system.out.println("gross pay: $"        + df.format(hourgross + hourovertimestore));                     system.out.println("federal tax: $"      + df.format(hourgross * fedtax));                     system.out.println("social security: $"  + df.format(hourgross * socialsec));                     system.out.println("medical: $"          + df.format(medicaldues));                      fedtaxfinal = hourgross * fedtax;                     socialsecfinal = hourgross * socialsec;                     deductdues = (fedtaxfinal + socialsecfinal + medicaldues);                     hournet = (hourgross - deductdues);                     system.out.println("net pay: "          + df.format(hournet));                 }             }             break;             case 3:             {                 employeetitle = "commission";                 system.out.println("you selected commission!");                 system.out.print("what's name? :");                 employeename =;                  system.out.print("enter amount of hours worked week: ");                 hourswrkd = input.nextint();                  system.out.println("name: "             + employeename);                 system.out.println("title: "            + employeetitle);                 system.out.println("type: "             + employeetype);                 system.out.println("hours worked: "     + hourswrkd);                   commgross = ratecommwrkr + commbonus;                 commwklysal = (0.057 * ratecommwrkr);                 system.out.println("commission made: $" + df.format(commwklysal));                  system.out.println("gross pay: $"        + df.format(commwklysal + commgross));                 system.out.println("federal tax: $"      + df.format((commwklysal + commgross) * fedtax));                 system.out.println("social security: $"  + df.format((commwklysal + commgross) * socialsec));                 system.out.println("medical: $"          + df.format(medicaldues));                  fedtaxfinal = (commwklysal + commgross) * fedtax;                 socialsecfinal = (commwklysal + commgross) * socialsec;                 deductdues = (fedtaxfinal + socialsecfinal + medicaldues);                 commnet = (commwklysal + commgross) - deductdues;                 system.out.println("net pay: $"          + df.format(commnet));             }             break;             case 4:             {                 employeetitle = "pieceworker";                 system.out.println("you selected pieceworker!");                 system.out.print("what's name? :");                 employeename =;                  system.out.print("enter amount of hours worked week: ");                 hourswrkd = input.nextint();                  system.out.println("name: "             + employeename);                 system.out.println("title: "            + employeetitle);                 system.out.println("type: "             + employeetype);                 system.out.println("hours worked: "     + hourswrkd);                  piecegross = ratepiecewrkr;                 system.out.println("gross pay: $"        + df.format(piecegross));                 system.out.println("federal tax: $"      + df.format(piecegross * fedtax));                 system.out.println("social security: $"  + df.format(piecegross * socialsec));                 system.out.println("medical: $"          + df.format(medicaldues));                  piecenet = piecegross - fedtax - socialsec - medicaldues;                 system.out.println("net pay: $"          + df.format(piecenet));             }             break;         }     } } 

you not asking "number of employees" user in code.hope want.

package test;  import java.util.scanner; import java.text.decimalformat;  public class test {     public static void main(string[] args) {          // first input group         int employeetype;               // 1-4 (manager, hourly, commissioned, pieceworker)         int compsize;                   // company size (4 - 10)         int hourswrkd;                  // whole number, no partial hours.         string employeename;            // name of employee          // pay each worker type         double ratemanagerwrkr = 800.00;// fixed weekly salary         double managerbonus = 750.00;   // $750.00 bonus manager         double ratehourwrkr;            // hourly + overtime > 40 = 1.5 time hourly rate         double hourovertime = 1.5;      // if hourswrkd > 40         double hourovertimestore;       // stores value         double ratecommwrkr = 650.00;   // fixed weekly salary         double commbonus = 250.00;      // $250.00 bonus commissioned worker          double commwklysal;             // 5.7% time weekly salary (650.00 * 5.7)          double ratepiecewrkr = 400.00;  // fixed weekly salary          // deductions         double medicaldues = 20.00;     // $20.00 per pay period         double fedtax = 0.30;           // 30% of gross         double socialsec = 0.05;        // 5% of gross         double deductdues;         double fedtaxfinal;         double socialsecfinal;          // totals         double managergross;         double managernet;         double hourgross;         double hournet;         double commgross;         double commnet;         double piecegross;         double piecenet;          // convert decimals match ####.## place ($9999.99)         decimalformat df = new decimalformat("####.##");          string employeetitle;         int numberofemployees=0;          scanner input = new scanner(;           system.out.print("enter number of employees in company ");         numberofemployees = input.nextint();           for(int i=0;i<numberofemployees;i++)         {             system.out.println("----------------------------------------------");             system.out.println("enter information employee number " + integer.tostring(i+1));             system.out.print("enter employee paycode (1-4): ");             employeetype = input.nextint();              switch (employeetype)             {             case 1:             {                 employeetitle = "manager";                 system.out.println("you selected manager!");                 system.out.print("what's name? :");                 employeename =;                  system.out.print("enter amount of hours worked week: ");                 hourswrkd = input.nextint();                  system.out.println("name: "             + employeename);                 system.out.println("title: "            + employeetitle);                 system.out.println("type: "             + employeetype);                 system.out.println("hours worked: "     + hourswrkd);                  managergross = ratemanagerwrkr + managerbonus;                 system.out.println("gross pay: $"        + df.format(managergross));                 system.out.println("federal tax: $"      + df.format(managergross * fedtax));                 system.out.println("social security: $"  + df.format(managergross * socialsec));                 system.out.println("medical: $"          + df.format(medicaldues));                  fedtaxfinal = managergross * fedtax;                 socialsecfinal = managergross * socialsec;                 deductdues = (fedtaxfinal + socialsecfinal + medicaldues);                 managernet = (managergross - deductdues);                 system.out.println("net pay: $"          + df.format(managernet));             }             break;             case 2:             {                 employeetitle = "hourly";                 system.out.println("you selected hourly!");                 system.out.print("what's name? :");                 employeename =;                  system.out.print("enter amount of hours worked week: ");                 hourswrkd = input.nextint();                 system.out.print("enter hourly rate: $");                 ratehourwrkr = input.nextdouble();                  hourgross = ratehourwrkr * hourswrkd;                  system.out.println("name: "             + employeename);                 system.out.println("title: "            + employeetitle);                 system.out.println("type: "             + employeetype);                 // begin checking hours worked                 if (hourswrkd > 40)                 {                     hourovertimestore = (hourswrkd - 40) * ratehourwrkr * hourovertime;                     system.out.println("hours worked: "     + hourswrkd);                     system.out.println("overtime hours: " + (hourswrkd - 40));                     system.out.println("gross pay: $"        + df.format(hourgross + hourovertimestore));                     system.out.println("federal tax: $"      + df.format(hourgross * fedtax));                     system.out.println("social security: $"  + df.format(hourgross * socialsec));                     system.out.println("medical: $"          + df.format(medicaldues));                     fedtaxfinal = hourgross * fedtax;                     socialsecfinal = hourgross * socialsec;                     deductdues = (fedtaxfinal + socialsecfinal + medicaldues);                     hournet = (hourgross - deductdues);                      system.out.println("net pay: $"          + df.format(hournet));                 }                 else                 {                     hourgross = hourswrkd * ratehourwrkr;                     hourovertimestore = 0;                     system.out.println("hours worked: "     + hourswrkd);                      system.out.println("gross pay: $"        + df.format(hourgross + hourovertimestore));                     system.out.println("federal tax: $"      + df.format(hourgross * fedtax));                     system.out.println("social security: $"  + df.format(hourgross * socialsec));                     system.out.println("medical: $"          + df.format(medicaldues));                      fedtaxfinal = hourgross * fedtax;                     socialsecfinal = hourgross * socialsec;                     deductdues = (fedtaxfinal + socialsecfinal + medicaldues);                     hournet = (hourgross - deductdues);                     system.out.println("net pay: "          + df.format(hournet));                 }             }             break;             case 3:             {                 employeetitle = "commission";                 system.out.println("you selected commission!");                 system.out.print("what's name? :");                 employeename =;                  system.out.print("enter amount of hours worked week: ");                 hourswrkd = input.nextint();                  system.out.println("name: "             + employeename);                 system.out.println("title: "            + employeetitle);                 system.out.println("type: "             + employeetype);                 system.out.println("hours worked: "     + hourswrkd);                   commgross = ratecommwrkr + commbonus;                 commwklysal = (0.057 * ratecommwrkr);                 system.out.println("commission made: $" + df.format(commwklysal));                  system.out.println("gross pay: $"        + df.format(commwklysal + commgross));                 system.out.println("federal tax: $"      + df.format((commwklysal + commgross) * fedtax));                 system.out.println("social security: $"  + df.format((commwklysal + commgross) * socialsec));                 system.out.println("medical: $"          + df.format(medicaldues));                  fedtaxfinal = (commwklysal + commgross) * fedtax;                 socialsecfinal = (commwklysal + commgross) * socialsec;                 deductdues = (fedtaxfinal + socialsecfinal + medicaldues);                 commnet = (commwklysal + commgross) - deductdues;                 system.out.println("net pay: $"          + df.format(commnet));             }             break;             case 4:             {                 employeetitle = "pieceworker";                 system.out.println("you selected pieceworker!");                 system.out.print("what's name? :");                 employeename =;                  system.out.print("enter amount of hours worked week: ");                 hourswrkd = input.nextint();                  system.out.println("name: "             + employeename);                 system.out.println("title: "            + employeetitle);                 system.out.println("type: "             + employeetype);                 system.out.println("hours worked: "     + hourswrkd);                  piecegross = ratepiecewrkr;                 system.out.println("gross pay: $"        + df.format(piecegross));                 system.out.println("federal tax: $"      + df.format(piecegross * fedtax));                 system.out.println("social security: $"  + df.format(piecegross * socialsec));                 system.out.println("medical: $"          + df.format(medicaldues));                  piecenet = piecegross - fedtax - socialsec - medicaldues;                 system.out.println("net pay: $"          + df.format(piecenet));             }             break;             }          }         system.out.println("thank using application");     } } 


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