elasticsearch - Kibana Histogram unexpected line curve with cumulative value -

kibana cannot histogram of cumulative value of field describe at: https://github.com/elasticsearch/kibana/issues/740

to overcome created separate index calculate myself total , saved elasticsearch.

the mapping looks follows:

curl -xpost localhost:9200/first_install -d '{     "settings" : {         "number_of_shards" : 5     },     "mappings" : {         "fi" : {             "properties" : {                 "evttime" : { "type" : "date", "index": "not_analyzed", "format": "dd/mmm/yyyy:hh:mm:ss" },                 "cumulativevalue" : { "type" : "integer", "index": "not_analyzed" }             }         }     } }' 

the values saved unexpectedly kibana not draw line expect, instead joins between point not exist.

following kibana sreenshot:

enter image description here

the line curve should increasing since data set increasing, can prove following events seen kibana itself:

enter image description here

could related data formatting did?

thx in advance.

you have setting set total , interval 30m.
kibana does, looks value in selection (table) lowest timestamp 819.
tooks values occurred between first time-stamp , 30 minutes later.
these values summed total , plotted on graph.
goes on untill last value obtained.

to summarize, kibana plots total cumulative value (so cumulative of cumulative) of items within 30 minutes.


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