angularjs - When I update the action on my form, it doesn't post -

this works fine

<head> <script>         function usersctrl($scope) {             $ = "the buttons haven't been clicked yet";             $scope.signupfolks = function () {             $ = "you've cliked first radio option!"             $scope.actionyo = "/users/session";         };         $scope.loginfolks = function () {             $ = "you've cliked second option!";             $scope.actionyo = "/users/session2";     };     }   </script>  </head>   <body> <div ng-controller="usersctrl"> <form action="/users/session" method="post"> <input type="radio" ng-model="currentfolks" ng-change="signupfolks()" name="newfolks" id="optionsradios1" value="newfolks3"> <input type="radio" ng-model="currentfolks" ng-change="loginfolks()" name="newfolks" id="optionsradios2" value="currentfolks3"> <button type="submit">sign in</button> {{info}} <!-- verifies angular's working example --> </div> 

this breaks it


<form action="/users/session" method="post"> 


<form action="{{actionyo}}" method="post"> 

but in "view source" says

when don't have option button selected, says:

<form action method="post"> 

when select option button, source says:

<form action="/users/session" method="post"> 

but when hit submit button... won't go. nothing happens.

i guess because before hit option button, actionyo has no value yet?

try set value first in controller:

function usersctrl($scope) {             $scope.actionyo = "/users/session"; //set default. warning: default want?             $ = "the button haven't been clicked yet";             // rest of code 


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