node.js - request nodejs package not being found -

i install request package using npm. appears located here: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/request/

var request = require("request");  request("", function(error, response, body) {   console.log(body); }); 

module.js:340 throw err; ^ error: cannot find module 'request'...

what need alter or perform? further info, mac osx, node-v0.10.26.pkg, sudo -h npm install -g request, no errors

i think have installed package using -g flag (global).
that's not how should install package.

to fix problem, install package locally:

npm install request 

or use package.json file persist dependency:

{   "name": "test",   "version: "0.1.0",   "dependencies": [     "request": "*"   ] } 
